Sami Usman is a writer at Software Finder. He has a background in writing and is interested in crafting content that explains everything while being easy to understand. Sami believes in the power of storytelling and strives to create works that are both enjoyable and engaging. In his free time, Sami enjoys solitude or talking to friends, but not both at the same time.

Sami Usman
Content Writer
Project Deliverables: Definitions And Examples
Project Management is no easy feat. Many projects often fail due to poor planning or going over-budget. Even projects that turn out to be successful can be marred with delays and strife. That’s why understanding the concept of project deliverables is of great importance to any aspiring project manager –
8-10 mins read

An Intro And Guide To Project Portfolio Management
Imagine that you want to work on a couple of projects at the same time. So, you go and start working on them simultaneously, but eventually, you run into some problems. You keep adding things, but don't stop thinking about whether it should be there. However, you notice that everyone working with you isn't on
6 mins read

Essential Tips For Crafting A Winning Project Description
A project description, as the name implies, is the full description of a project intended to make everyone understand what the project is about. However, a crucial part of planning, the role of project description in project management cannot be understated. In this article, we’ll briefly cover what a project description
10 mins read

3 Must-have Scrum Tools For Agile Teams
Scrum refers to a framework used in agile project management, particularly in software development. This framework is an iterative and incremental process—it splits the project into a series of small, consecutive parts or 'sprints'. Since everything is broken into these short sprints, the team can constantly iterate and improve the product,
5 mins read

Work Breakdown Structure: The What, Why, How
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6 mins read

How To Create A Project Execution Plan?
Key Takeaways
A PEP is crucial for project success
PEPs include scope, goals, quality, resources, schedule, and communication
Creating a PEP
5 mins read

Story Points: The Agile Estimation Tool You Need
Agile methodologies are ubiquitous in software development, emphasizing flexibility and responsiveness to change. One core principle of the agile framework is accurate estimation, which allows teams to plan effectively and deliver value iteratively. Therefore, a tool that can be used to achieve accurate estimations is story points.This article explores the
5 mins read

Project Execution Plan Templates
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5 mins read