
Scrum refers to a framework used in agile project management, particularly in software development. This framework is an iterative and incremental process—it splits the project into a series of small, consecutive parts or 'sprints'. 

Since everything is broken into these short sprints, the team can constantly iterate and improve the product, adding more and more to it with every single iteration. This approach also allows teams to be more flexible, meaning that they can adapt to ever-changing circumstances and deliver on all fronts seamlessly. 

However, a scrum workflow is not easily accomplished, and many teams go through growing pains as they try their best to efficiently work in sprints and deal with their perpetually increasing backlog. In such scenarios, project managers can make use of scrum tools to secure beneficial and effective scrum implementation. 

What Are Scrum Tools?

Scrum tools are specialized software developed to support the Scrum framework in project management. This means that they offer several features that are specifically designed for scrum, such as sprint tracking dashboards, progress visualization, scrum calendar, etc. 

Additionally, these tools offer several benefits, such as: 

  • Streamlined Workflows: Scrum tools automate tasks and workflows within sprints, allowing teams to focus on delivering value efficiently 
  • Improved Collaboration: Features like real-time chat and task management within the tool promote teamwork and keep everyone informed throughout the development cycle 
  • Faster Delivery: Scrum tools facilitate iterative development and progress tracking, enabling companies to deliver high-quality results in shorter timeframes 
  • Increased Adaptability: By providing real-time data on progress and roadblocks, Scrum tools empower teams to adjust priorities and adapt to changing market demands 
  • Visibility And Transparency: Scrum boards, a core feature of most scrum management tools, provide a clear view of the product backlog, sprint backlog, and task status. This transparency allows everyone on the team to see progress and identify potential roadblocks 
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Scrum tools facilitate communication and collaboration among team members. Features like chat functionalities and document sharing keep everyone on the same page 
  • Improved Efficiency: Scrum tools automate repetitive tasks like sprint planning and burndown chart creation. It frees up valuable time for teams to focus on core development activities 
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Scrum tools collect valuable data on team velocity, task completion rates, and other metrics. This data allows teams to continuously improve their scrum practices and make informed decisions 
  • Integration With Other Tools: Many scrum tools integrate with developer tools, version control systems, and communication platforms, streamlining the workflow 

Best Scrum Tools For Task And Project Management

Scrum by itself may look simple, but in reality, it can be quite complex and poses several challenges for any team. For instance, its focus on continuous improvement may lead to scope creep and derail sprints. It's also a relatively newer way of working, which can cause friction in companies that rely on traditional, hierarchical structures. 

Some common types of scrum tools are: 

  • Kanban Boards 
  • Task Lists 
  • Backlog Management Tools 
  • Burndown Charts 
  • Velocity Tracking Tools 

The best types of agile tools are those that offer all kinds of features that get rid of all the growing pains that come with the territory and help establish a proper scrum methodology. Below, we've listed some of the top agile scrum tools on the market: 

Best Product Management And Backlog Grooming Tool Software is one of the top agile scrum tools. It provides pre-built Scrum project templates for sprint planning, bug tracking, and feature backlog creation. It also includes a Scrum board, enabling a project manager to plan, assign, and track tasks and subtasks.

The key features are Gantt charts used to plan projects and project progress reports. The software also offers a shared activity dashboard for project collaboration.

Best Tool For Collaboration And Communication

GitHub Software is perhaps the go-to platform for any project manager in the software development field. A free scrum tool, it's been used by hobbyists as well as companies everywhere.

While its primary feature is to provide version control and store software projects online, it also adheres to the Scrum framework. It enables project managers to divide large projects into minor GitHub Issues—feature descriptions that are written from the perspective of the users. Other scrum features, such as setting team goals and tracking bugs and overall progress, are also included. 

Best Time Tracking And Reporting Tool 

Anyone would be hard-pressed to find scrum tools like Jira Software. This agile project management tool aids in planning, tracking, and completing Scrum projects. Its primary features include a digital board for tracking the product backlog and a prioritized list of features—allowing teams to move tasks through different stages of development in sprints. It also boasts several other unique features, such as advanced search, burndown charts, and customizable workflows. 

What Should Be The Selection Criteria For Choosing Scrum Software For Your Project Management Needs? 

The scrum tool landscape is vast, with options catering to different team sizes, budgets, and needs. Some factors to consider when choosing a tool are: 

  • Team Size And Needs: Larger teams may require more robust features, while smaller teams might prioritize user-friendliness 
  • Budget: Freemium options exist, while premium tools offer advanced functionalities at a cost 
  • Integrations: Ensure compatibility with your existing development and communication tools 

To summarize: 

  • Scrum is an agile workflow that focuses on breaking the product into small, short sprints
  • Scrum tools are specialized software that are designed for the scrum framework
  • Scrum tools are recommended because they offer several benefits in productivity, and they reduce the difficulty of implementing Scrum itself
  • The right scrum tool depends on the size of the team, budget, and integrations.

While scrum tools are no magic bullet, they do help a lot in making projects more manageable. Any company that's hoping to overhaul its entire workflow would benefit a lot in making use of these tools, particularly the ones we've mentioned here. If you wish to browse more options, feel free to explore our scrum software category page.