5 Signs Your EHR Software Needs an Upgrade

As technology continues to advance, healthcare facilities are under pressure to keep up with the latest EHR systems. However, with the high cost of EHR implementation and maintenance, many healthcare organizations are hesitant to make the switch. While there are many factors to consider when deciding whether to upgrade or replace your EHR program, there are a few key indications for when the situation warrants a shift.

Watch this webinar and learn about:

  1. Outdated hardware and software
  2. Lack of interoperability
  3. Inadequate reporting capabilities
  4. High rate of user dissatisfaction
  5. Lack of vendor support

Hear from Nathan Shepard, VP of Azalea Health, as he takes on the 5 Signs You need to Upgrade your EHR.

Watch Webinar Learn More


Cloud-based is the way to go

EHR has to be cloud-based, web-based servers are out-of-date.

The Modern EHR

A Modern EHR should enable simplicity in every task, automated patient intake & and have Telehealth features.

The Net Promoter Score is Essential

Ask the Net Promoter Score to find out the user satisfaction rate before investing.

Watch Webinar

Understand the ways of detecting an outdated EHR and learn how to upgrade it.



    Nathan Shepard

    VP of Product at Azalea Health

    Nathan Shepard has been working for over 15 years to understand the problems physicians face in improving patient care and profitability. His team is constantly engaged with clients to document problems and prioritize the highest-impact issues that his team needs to solve. Shepard holds a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and a master’s in biomedical engineering from the University of California San Diego.

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