Remote work remains a priority for many employees, even at a cost. Our new survey reveals that on-site workers are willing to sacrifice salary, vacation days, and career opportunities for the ability to work from home.

With shifting workplace policies and economic concerns, employees are making tough decisions about their professional futures. This article explores what workers are willing to give up, their motivations, and the broader implications for remote work opportunities.

Key Takeaways
  • 70% of on-site employees would give up a percentage of their salary to work remotely full-time.
  • 17% of on-site employees would give up 20% or more of their salary to work remotely full-time.
  • 46% of on-site employees would give up vacation days to work remotely full-time.
  • 1 in 4 on-site employees would only accept a new job if it offered remote work opportunities.
  • 49% of on-site employees feel remote opportunities will decrease under the current administration, with an additional 10% believing remote opportunities will go away completely.

Beyond Pay: Vacation Days, Promotions, and Other Remote Work Trade-Offs

An infographic about remote work flexibility and benefits
  • 70% of on-site employees would give up a percentage of their salary to work remotely full-time—13.4%, on average.
  • Across generations and industries, Gen Z (78%) and tech (87%) on-site employees are the most likely to be willing to give up a portion of their salary for full-time remote work.
  • 17% of on-site employees, including 24% of Gen Z and 28% of tech on-site workers, would give up 20% or more of their salary to work remotely full-time.
  • 46% of on-site employees would give up vacation days to work remotely full-time, sacrificing an average of 6 days.
  • 51% of Gen Z on-site employees would give up vacation days to work remotely full-time at an average of 10 days.
  • 5% of on-site employees would give up 10 or more vacation days.
  • 31% of on-site employees would take a demotion for the ability to work remotely, with millennials being the most likely to say so (33%).
  • 1 in 4 on-site employees would only accept a new job if it offered remote work opportunities.
  • 18% of on-site employees plan to leave their jobs this year for ones that offer remote work opportunities, with Gen Z being the most likely to say so (24%).
  • 14% of on-site employees have recently turned down job offers that lacked remote work options.

The Perceived Benefits of Remote Work: Work-Life Balance, Mental Health, and More

  • Many on-site workers believe remote work would improve their work-life balance (80%), happiness (76%), and productivity (54%). Gen Z is most likely to believe remote work would improve each of these elements.
  • On-site workers believe the top advantages of remote work are saving money on commuting, reducing workplace stress, and improving work-life balance.
  • Gen X is most likely to consider less workplace stress as an advantage (65%).
  • Gen Z is most likely to consider more time for hobbies and personal projects as an advantage (62%).
  • 48% of on-site employees feel that in-office work negatively impacts their mental health, with millennials agreeing with this the most (51%).
  • 49% of on-site employees feel remote opportunities will decrease under the current administration, and another 10% believe they will disappear completely.
  • Construction and engineering employees are the most likely to believe that remote opportunities will decrease (62%), and tech employees are the most likely to think they will completely go away (17%).
  • 38% of on-site employees are concerned that policies under the current administration could prevent them from finding work or continuing in their preferred industry. Government and public services employees are the most likely to be concerned (53%).


We surveyed 1,013 on-site employees about their potential desire to work remotely, what they would give up for it, and what they perceive as its advantages.

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