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Software Finder is conducting a free webinar series to help medical practitioners set up a new medical practice during the COVID-19 pandemic. The series will deal with new medical organization pain points such as building a business plan, acquiring funding, credentialing, and marketing for new patients.

LOS ANGELES (PRWEB) AUGUST 26, 2020 - Setting up a new medical practice is a business endeavor. Like any business, it requires the skill set of building business plans and dealing with an array of people that a medical degree does not cover. For a medical practice to be successful, medical practitioners need to plan and strategize at the outset to ensure no surprises jeopardize the setup.

To help practice owners do just that, Software Finder has been conducting a New Medical Practice Series. The first webinar in the series " Setting Up a New Medical Practice" covered building a business and marketing plan for a new practice along with a 6-month checklist of things to do before the launch. You can watch a recording of this webinar here.

"For a medical practice to be successful, medical practitioners need to plan and strategize at the outset to ensure no surprises jeopardize the setup."

Based on audience feedback, the topic of the next webinar in the series is "5 Steps to Easy Credentialing for New Medical Practices" scheduled for September 29, 2020, at 11 30 am EDT. Practice owners will learn:

  • The intricacies behind provider enrollment
  • What successful practices do differently
  • Should you outsource or do it yourself?

There are limited free slots available. Interested participants can register here.

Software Finder also offers a free consultation to new medical organizations to meet their technological needs. Practice owners, physicians, practice managers can get in touch by calling their helpline directly at 661 384 7070.

About Software Finder

Software Finder is a B2B software directory that connects software buyers and vendors. Its network includes 3000 + product listings, more than 100,000 real user reviews, and 100 buying consultants that help businesses in their buying journey.