About Confluence 

Confluence is a very popular project management software. This software helps teams share workspace virtually and connect with one another to collaborate on their projects. The software is not like document sharing software but open and allows for teams to create and manage their projects from the planning aspect to the execution of the project. The software really helps you customize your plans according to your needs. If you have a team from which some people work remotely then Confluence can really help you out. This software allows your team to login from wherever they are and then allow you to collaborate on your projects together. 

In this piece, we will be telling you about everything related to Confluence. From the features in this software to the Confluence cost; we will cover it all to help you figure out whether or not this software is right for you. If you are at all considering Confluence then keep reading and find out more about this software and see whether it might be the right choice for you!

Confluence Features 

Templates for Ease 

The templates feature in Confluence is a real life and time saver for a lot of teams. This feature helps you to make project plans much sooner than you would have otherwise since there are a number of templates within this software already which you can browse and choose from. Once you choose the template, you are able to populate it with details about the project easily. This helps you make a project plan so much sooner than you would have otherwise done so. The software allows you to save your time and bring you a lot of convenience when it comes to planning your projects! 

Comments Features 

The comments feature in Confluence project management software really makes the Confluence cost worth it! This feature helps you to leave comments under project templates, plans, and more. Being able to add comments to work other team members have uploaded helps give your fellow team members feedback, ideas and more. This allows better harmony within the team which in turn allows you to better collaborate with your team and keep everyone on the same page. It is very important to make sure that everyone on the team is on the same page and can give one another feedback and ideas!


The analytics feature in Confluence is really worth the Confluence cost alone! This feature helps you determine the timeframe at which a project is expected to be completed. The feature helps you to see how much work is left, at what rate the work is being done and then enable you to have a realistic estimate on when your work will be completed. All in all, this feature really helps you make things a lot easier for you overall and gives you the ability to give clients and managers a realistic timeline of when a project is expected to be completed. 


Another great thing about Confluence which helps keep you on top of everything that you need to do and helps the team on a whole keep on the same page. This feature sends notifications for when something at work is due, when a coworker uploads their work, when you have been tagged in a comment or more. All in all, with the notifications feature in Confluence, you are able to keep on top of everything and be able to know what you need to do and when! 

Version History 

The version history in Confluence is also incredibly helpful as a feature. This is because with this feature you are able to see what edits have been made, what changes were suggested and more. This helps you and your team keep track of any changes made and what was changed and what was edited or omitted. Having a version history allows you to really keep on top of all your tasks and thus be able to be have a detailed idea of what the project went through before it came to its current form. 

Confluence Cost 

If you are wondering what the Confluence cost is then we can help you with figuring out whether it is within your budget. The software cost ranges from $10 t0 $30 and changes according to which version you choose. The version of the software you choose depends on the features within it you want to have access to and what you want in your software! 

Is Confluence Right for You?

Now that you know everything there is to know about Confluence software from details about features in the software to Confluence cost, you will better be able to come to a decision about whether the software is right for you. 

We suggest writing down all the features you would ideally want in a project management software and then seeing whether or not Confluence satisfies your needs. We also suggest asking for a confluence demo to see the software in action firsthand. All in all, we are sure whatever decision you come to about Confluence will be the right call for you! 

Finding the right software is very important and with our guide on everything Confluence review is enough for you to decide whether or not this software is the right call for the needs of you and your project team!