Airtable is basically a software that helps you create and share interactive databases. The user interface is easy to use, colorful and friendly. With this software, anyone can deploy a database in minutes. But that’s not all! There are some convincing reasons why your team needs to use innovative Airtable software.

A Brief about Airtable Software

If you have no idea, Airtable software has gained momentum and market share over the past few months. From the Airtable API to Airtable Blocks, you might hear your colleagues talk about how wonderful this software is.

Or else, perhaps you heard something like "Airtable is the same as a spreadsheet on steroids." Well... that will be a pretty good summary of what it is.

Airtable software of kanban software is the power of spreadsheets and databases. It has a very flexible, customizable, and easy-to-use API. The innovative Airtable API makes it a worthy choice among its other competitors. Imagine turning an ordinary employee into a database administrator.

Yes, this is what you can achieve with Airtable. In the next section, we will look at all the top reasons for you to start using this remarkable software right away.

Offers Front-End Forms

Airtable review has mentioned that its front-end forms are the most powerful feature of this software. You can quickly turn your spreadsheet into an easy-to-use form. Even better, this form can be embedded into your website as natively as possible. This is an excellently designed feature compared to Google Forms!

You can then link the rows populated with the form input to other data within the table, or what you call "base." In simple words, this software provides the same innovative features as the MySQL database in a more user-friendly setting.

Allows Better Collaboration

Airtable demo shows how this software allows multiple users to work simultaneously with the same data set. This means you will not need to submit spreadsheets with odd filenames. Just the same as Google Sheets, this software allows users to redo or undo and automatically save changes to the cloud whenever they are made. The similarities almost end here.

Airtable software of Kanban Software also enables you to store images, encrypted data, multiple parts of a date, even barcodes with the latest updates in cells. The flexibility of the input makes this software the best choice of all available options today.

Provides Block Elements

The blocks in Airtable software allow you to extend basic functionality with advanced applications. For example, you have sales order data that you enter through a front-end form. You can use this data to create invoice templates with blocks. Then, the software will automatically generate invoices to be printed and placed on packing slips for end customers.

In addition, if you are using a service like Workload's automation consulting tool, you can also set up tasks to be downloaded as PDFs and emailed to you.

Provides Publishing Views

This feature is wonderful and important enough to belong on its own. The reason is simple. Let's say your customer support team needs access to the finance team's customer financial data.

In this context, the finance department will not need to copy and paste specific data into a new spreadsheet to share with the CS team. Instead, with this feature, you can create published "views" and share them with your customer support team.

This simply means that the CS team can only access the relevant data. This feature helps you save more time and clutter. How? As the finance department continuously adds data to the source data set, they update the CS view without additional work.

The Benefits of Using Airtable Software

Now let’s talk about the benefits your business can get from using Airtable software.

Intuitive and User-Friendly Interface

Standard spreadsheets have been around for decades. However, many still struggle with advanced features like filters and formulas.

Airtable software of best Kanban software removes barriers to adoption. How? By relying on a visual interface that requires small or no training to get used to and effectively implement. With this software, you can get an intuitive and user-friendly interface to help you complete the tasks conveniently.

You Will Get Additional Dimensional Data

Unlike regular spreadsheets, the databases in this software don't only contain data. Instead, they can be converted into Kanban boards or calendars. This is very useful if you want to use Airtable as your CRM. However, since the software is essentially a database, it may not include all of the usual Kanban governance tools like trackers or surveys.

Get Adjustable Views for Different Purposes

This is one of the most popular benefits mentioned in the Airtable review. Depending on your goals and needs, you can choose from a variety of ways to view or present your data. You can quickly and easily switch between different views. Even better, you can also share specific views with team members or your customers.

The “Blocks” Feature Adds an Extra Layer of Functionality

This feature provides an intuitive way to create complementary solutions. For example, you can use the Page Builder block to easily create custom templates for PDF reports, invoices, or some other documents that contain information from your database.

What’s more, this feature will also help you to create Gantt charts. In this way, it will visualize the project timelines or display addresses in spreadsheets. If you want to add your own code to Airtable and extend its functionality further, you can use script blocks.

Offers Extensive Data Tracking System

Based on Airtable demo, this software works well for sharing and tracking changes to individual tables. This is why records are fundamental to data integrity. Detailed logs from this software allow you to track all changes and identify the co-authors who made these changes.

How Much Is Airtable Cost?

Airtable cost are 4 pricing plans offered by this software.

  • Free plan

You will only pay nothing for 1,200 records/base, 2GB attachment space/base. You will also get 2 weeks of revision and snapshot history.

  • Plus plan

By paying $12 monthly, you can get 5,000 records/base, 5GB attachment space/base. Additionally, you will get 6 months of revision and snapshot history.

  • Pro plan

This plan offers 50,000 records/base, 20GB attachment space/base, along with 1 year of revisions, and snapshot history for $24 monthly.