Kanban Vs Scrum: Differences Between The Agile Methodologies And Which Is Right For You?
Key Insights
  • Discover the core differences between Kanban and Scrum, two popular Agile methodologies.
  • Find out which approach suits your project better based on structure, prioritization, and adaptability.
  • Learn when to use Kanban for ongoing, flexible projects, and Scrum for structured, sprint-based tasks.
  • Explore how both can be combined for a hybrid "Scrumban" approach, blending the best of both worlds.

The Agile Framework is popular for a variety of reasons—it cuts down on time, it’s great for projects with ever-evolving needs, etc. However, not everyone has the same approach towards Agile. Today, we’ll be looking at two popular methodologies found in Agile: Scrum and Kanban.

At a glance, Kanban and Scrum do not seem alike, having different approaches to the same problem. Kanban is a way to visualize tasks to maximize the efficiency of the workflow, whereas Scrum focuses on completing increments of work in set intervals called sprints.

However, these different approaches are rather superficial as their core aims and principles revolve around the same thing: effective utilization of time and resources to create goods and services.

Kanban Vs. Scrum: An Overview

Kanban is less structured than Scrum, favoring a more adaptable approach that focuses on the workflow itself. In other words, it prioritizes workflow efficiency, rather than the final product. To this end, it utilizes a more visual approach where a task is added and goes through all the stages until it’s finished. 

Scrum is more rigid than Kanban, favoring fixed-length iterations called sprints. These sprints are used to create a product, gradually adding more with each cycle. Unlike Kanban, Scrum's goal is to create a polished product through multiple iterations. 

What Is Kanban?

What Is Kanban

The word Kanban is a combination of two Japanese words, “Kan” 看, meaning sign, and “Ban” 板, which means board. As the translation implies, Kanban proposes a signboard-like way for completing tasks and managing workflow. It does this by using a visualization tool called Kanban boards, where all the work is displayed on boards.

The boards are separated into columns, each representing a stage of work. When one task is finished, it moves on to the other column and so on, until the work is finished. This allows Kanban to limit work in progress (WIP) to prevent bottlenecks and ensure a smooth workflow. 

Additionally, Kanban focuses on continuous improvement. It accomplishes this by having teams constantly monitor lead times, identifying areas for improvement, and having a series of special meetings (often termed as Kanban Cadence). As a result, small, incremental changes are made to the workflow, making it more effective. 

Benefits Of Kanban


There are numerous benefits for implementing Kanban boards, such as: 

  • Visibility: Kanban boards provide a visual representation of your workflow, making it easy to see what tasks are in progress, what's waiting to be started, and any potential bottlenecks. This transparency allows everyone to stay on the same page and identify areas for improvement 
  • Efficiency: By visualizing the workflow, Kanban helps in identifying and eliminating inefficiencies as well as any waste. This leads to smoother workflow and faster completion times 
  • Productivity: Kanban promotes a focus on completing tasks rather than just starting them. By limiting the amount of work in progress (WIP), Kanban helps teams stay focused and avoid getting overwhelmed 
  • Improved Collaboration: Kanban boards are a great tool for team collaboration; everyone can see what everyone else is working on, which can lead to better communication and coordination 
  • Flexibility And Adaptability: Kanban is a very flexible methodology that can be easily adapted to different types of projects and workflows. It's also easy to start with Kanban and gradually add more complexity as needed 
  • Continuous Improvement: Kanban is all about continuous improvement. Constant monitoring of the workflow identifies bottlenecks which can be rectified by management and keep things moving smoothly 

What Is Scrum?


Scrum is a structured, iterative framework that breaks down projects into short cycles called sprints. Each sprint focuses on delivering a potentially shippable product increment.

Throughout the sprint, transparency is key—daily meetings and regular reviews keep everyone informed of progress, performance as well as roadblocks. Finally, after each sprint, the team reflects on their process, identifying areas for improvement to be implemented in the next sprint. This continuous adaptation allows Scrum teams to be flexible and responsive to changing requirements. 

Benefits Of Scrum


Like Kanban, Scrum has numerous benefits, such as: 

  • Transparency And Visibility: Scrum employs regular ceremonies, such as Daily Scrums and Sprint Reviews, that provide stakeholders with a clear view of project progress. This transparency generates trust and facilitates early identification of potential issues 
  • Improved Quality: Scrum's iterative approach allows for continuous feedback and adaptation. As a result, the delivered product better aligns with evolving user needs and market demands, ultimately resulting in a higher quality product 
  • Reduced Risk And Faster Time-To-Market: Scrum's short, time-boxed Sprints enable rapid delivery of functional product increments. This allows for early identification and mitigation of risks, leading to faster time-to-market and a competitive advantage 
  • Enhanced Team Collaboration And Self-Organization: Scrum empowers cross-functional teams to self-organize and manage their work, generating a collaborative environment where team members hold each other accountable and work towards a shared goal 
  • Increased Efficiency And Resource Optimization: The focus on short Sprints in Scrum encourages teams to prioritize tasks and eliminates unnecessary work, leading to a more efficient use of resources and improved overall project delivery 
  • Continuous Improvement And Adaptability: Just like Kanban, Scrum's core principle revolves around learning from experience and adapting to change. This kind of modus operandi often leads to a culture of continuous improvement within the team 

Difference Between Scrum And Kanban


The differences between Kanban and Sprint, and by extension Scrum, are focused on achieving continuous improvement, but with different approaches. These differences boil down to: 

Scrum employs a more structured approach with sprints. Teams commit to a set of work items (product backlog) for each sprint and prioritize completing them within the defined timeframe instead of constantly adding new items.
Unlike Scrum, Kanban does not have sprints, emphasizing flexibility and continuous flow instead. Work items are visualized on a Kanban board with stages representing the workflow (e.g., To Do, In Progress, Done). This approach also allows teams to continuously add new work items based on capacity.

Kanban focuses on limiting work in progress (WIP) to optimize workflow efficiency. WIP limits are set for each stage of the Kanban board, preventing teams from taking on too much work at once.
Conversely, Scrum prioritizes completing a potentially shippable product increment within each sprint. Teams strive to deliver working functionality at the end of each sprint cycle.

Kanban and Scrum both possess boards, however, that’s where all the similarities end. Kanban’s boards are made up of various columns that move tasks throughout the entire process until it’s finished. It utilizes a more visual approach than Scrum, using cards, color coding and various progress indicators.
Scrum is similar; however the board lasts for an allotted amount of time as Scrum focuses on creating a product rather than the workflow.

Kanban allows for easier integration of new tasks as they arise. New work items can be introduced as needed, allowing for greater flexibility in adapting to changing priorities.
On the other hand, Scrum is less flexible as changes to the sprint backlog are generally discouraged during a sprint. This ensures focus and avoids scope creep. However, high-priority changes can be incorporated through negotiation or backlog refinement for future sprints.

Kanban Vs Scrum: Which Should You Choose?

Both Kanban and Scrum have many similarities and are thus, equally valid approaches, however, there are certain situations where one may be more applicable than the other. 

The section below deals with when to use Kanban and when to use Scrum:


When To use Kanban

Kanban is ideal for teams dealing with projects that have ongoing, unpredictable work requirements—situations where team composition or project scope may change frequently. While Scrum methodologies demand strict control over the scope, Kanban provides more flexibility, allowing you to adapt as things change.

Kanban is also perfect for teams that need to visualize their workflow and identify problems. These teams often make use of software like Trello Software, a user-friendly software that allows its users to create Kanban boards with ease. 

When To Use Scrum 

Scrum is mainly used in projects with well-defined requirements or scope that can be broken down into sprints. It’s also applicable for projects where frequent delivery and feedback loops are crucial or any project that allows for a more iterative approach, such as software. 

Teams that utilize a Scrum framework often use software that are specifically designed for Scrum such as Jira Software. A robust project management tool, Jira makes use of sprints, helps you track progress and collaborate seamlessly. 

However, the Kanban and Scrum are not oil and water and thus, can also be used together. It is possible to opt for a hybrid approach, Scrumban, which combines elements of both.