PureLogics was found in the year 2006. It is a privately held organization that operates in Lahore, Pakistan. The headquarter is in New York. PureLogics is a full assistance technology company. With over 13 years of experience, Fortune 1000 clients, and over 700 productive activities, PureLogics creates world-class web and portable applications for clients over the globe. Their Global Delivery Network permits them to convey dependable innovation and redistributing administrations.
They highly esteem the decent variety of the mastery that they offer and their perfect record with fulfilled customers up until this point. Quite a bit of this achievement is owed to the generally thorough and successful procedure that they at PureLogics utilize in their designing procedure to guarantee the best of results.
Who they work with:
They are fortunate to discover extremely extraordinary customers. Their relationship with their customers is cooperative, commonly conscious, and deliberate two-way, which helps them make incredible stuff. A portion of the large organizations is Intel, Samsung US, and Pearson.
They are specialists in Web applications, LAMP, Android, iOS, IOS SDK (iPhone, iPad), Android apps., MEAN, Amazon Web Services.