Salesforce Engage Software helps sales teams to accelerate productivity and deal closures. It offers a variety of templates, real-time alerts, and customizable prospect activity feeds, all accessible through a mobile app which makes it easy to use. With user-based pricing, Salesforce Engage provides continuous online support for its users.

Salesforce Engage Software Specifications

Contact Management

Lead Management

Opportunity Management

Sales Forecasting

View All Specifications

What is Salesforce Engage Software?


Salesforce Engage is a cloud-based software that provides users with customer service management options. The software is perhaps one of the most popular CRM software on the market. The software can be integrated into other software that you use at your business.

The software looks at all aspects of managing customer relations; from the sales aspect to the technical aspect. There are a lot of features in Salesforce which make it an ideal choice for a lot of businesses.

Look at Salesforce features in more detail below

Contact Management

Salesforce manages your business contacts very easily. Users can use the lead management feature to recruit more customers to their business.

Desktop Integration

The software can easily work on any operating system without encountering any issues whatsoever.

Quota and Order Management

With Salesforce users can always know about their stock levels and be able to seamlessly manage their customer orders. 

Campaign Management

Start digital marketing campaigns for your business to be successful. 


Report any issues or bugs to the developers behind the software so they can incorporate your requests in the update for the software.


The dashboard feature is user-friendly and built with customer convenience in mind.


Forecast your needs as a business and figure out what you need to do to be successful.

Book your free Salesforce CRM demo now to understand its functionalities in more detail.

Salesforce Pricing

Salesforce has four different tiers and they are all priced differently. Salesforce Essentials costs $25 per user a month. Salesforce Professional costs $75 per user a month. Salesforce Enterprise costs $150 per user per month. Salesforce Unlimited costs $300 a month per user.

Free Trial

You are able to request free trials for all the versions of the software. There are no free versions of Salesforce CRM.

Get in touch now for a personalized Salesforce CRM pricing estimate!


  • There are a lot of customizations that you can perform with Salesforce software that cannot be executed with any other software in the market at the moment!
  • Users can integrate any other software to Salesforce and be able to stay completely updated about their customers in every way.
  • The dashboard feature is incredibly convenient to use and allows you to keep track of real-time insights into your business!


  • The load time for the software can be a lot and require users to close the app in the middle of work and re-open it in order to get it working again!
  • The system can be incredibly complex to get used to and all the tools can be overwhelming to use at first.
  • Duplicate contacts and information are not deleted automatically by the software which can be very confusing and time-consuming as well!

Salesforce CRM is great software for you to automate the sales process for your business and bring a certain level of automation to it to help you succeed!

Need assistance determining if Salesforce CRM is the best choice? Call (661) 384-7070.

Learn about other software apart from Salesforce which might help your business as well.

Salesforce Engage Software Reviews

Overall Rating


12 Reviews

Rating Distribution














October 2022

Be as flexible as you can to get the most out of it.

Marcus G.

Financial Services

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





Please trust me when I say this: invest as much time as is required to implement Salesforce properly. Because once it’s done, Salesforce is an excellent solution to your problems, especially if you let the support team optimize it for you and your processes. I made the mistake of taking shortcuts and found out the hard way. Accessing leads and opportunities is simple, and managing the data inside of them is generally simple as well. I personally appreciate the dashboard, which gives you an attractive way to view a lot of data from several reports without the need to switch back and forth.


As I said in the part above, you really need to invest yourself and prepare an employee to be proficient with the software. A little coding logic might also be required. Like all software, it also faces problems where certain features wont work as expected. I would recommend immediately getting in touch with the Salesforce rep assigned to your business. Otherwise, you would spend hours running in circles.

September 2022

Salesforce is easy to learn. It is one of the most feature-packed CRMs out there.

Ashley D.


Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





Salesforce is easy to use and offers solid customer management features. In the past two years that we have been using it, Salesforce has performed admirably and enabled our management team and sales staff to be more efficient in tracking and assessing all sales activities. It has great reporting capabilities and features an intuitive, user-friendly interface with a flexible API. It is also easy to integrate Salesforce with other software we use. Our business planning has improved and we have moved more toward preventive and predictive plans thanks to data from Salesforce.


Converting a lead to anything else is complicated, while it should have been the easiest thing a salesforce could do. We are supposed to add a custom field whenever we want to turn a lead into an account, a contact, or even a business opportunity. I feel this to be a missed opportunity where Salesforce could have easily become my only go-to for client management. And if a client submits a record, it often doesn’t show up in the company’s database.

August 2022

Good customer support and lead handling system.

Jake G.


Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





Salesforce is simple and creating leads is intuitive with it. I have kept an updated list of contacts with this tool, which helps me access a relevant client instantly. And any lead that is about to be converted into a customer can be quickly added to the salesforce with the click of a button to log their email. I simply love being able to quickly add meeting invitations or email templates to an email. It has cut short the hours of manual data entry I used to do before we started using Salesforce. After using this software for almost two years, Im not sure what I would do without it.


They have changed some things in the past few months, mainly how the data is pulled when you attempt to add a contact. I used to be able to input a lot of the information manually in the past, which used to pull everything in automatically. It now takes a few more steps to do that, but ultimately it is still quicker than adding new contacts to Salesforce. When sending emails to several recipients, I also wish there was more information available about who clicked on a web link or viewed an email.

August 2022

Salesforce is flexible and caters to a wide range of needs in the marketing industry.

Abraham k.

Advertising and marketing

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





We have seen increased click through rates after setting up campaigns with Salesforce as compared to other websites. There is an excellent auto-email system for lead generation and helpful templates which our sales team loves. The best thing about Salesforce Engage is that the software caters for every aspect of a customer relationship, which includes technical and commercial information at our salesperson’s disposal. This has made the sales pitches more effective, and our business has converted leads to customers more often than before. The sheer number of features Salesforce offers makes it a perfect choice for any marketing firm.


I appreciate that sending an email is quick and easy and that I can also receive a read-receipt in real time. What I don’t understand is that an email might take up to 5 minutes in order to appear in your activity tab, which makes tracking your progress harder. You have to wait to get confirmation that your email has been sent to the right recipient, and then you can move forward to the next task.

August 2022

If you want to automate your sales approach, then this is the software for you!

Eric M.


Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





The UI is interactive and intuitive. All the buttons and tools are well thought out and placed right where they are needed. I have rarely felt the need to contact customer support for help on trivial issues like where to look for a certain feature. Salesforce’s compatibility with other third-party sales tools makes it stand out from the competition. Our sales team used to get supplementary help from the software in the beginning, but now it has become their only choice. We have maintained good communication between our sales staff, which is very important to me.


I have found salesforce engagement to be quite heavy on my system. We don’t use the latest systems around the office, which have been fine so far, but there seems to be a need for us to upgrade them now if we want to keep working with the software. Our users have reported frequent lags when loading up contacts, for example, which is supposed to be the quickest thing there is. I would also appreciate some dashboard customization.

August 2022

It works flawlessly out of the box. It needs some improvements, but overall great experience.

Alessandra M.

Advertising and marketing

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





I have loved using Salesforce ever since we implemented it with our system. Our sales team has been working great, and already there has been an increase in the marketing team’s efficiency. I appreciate how SalesForce Engage has enabled us to develop and run any type of email campaign directly for the intended audience. The navigation between panes is swift, and the user interface is thoughtfully designed. which allows me to see exactly what my assigned leads have been doing.


I was not made aware of certain limitations (by design) of Salesforce when I was in talks to buy it. I was clear in my intention of using it as a marketing tool more so than a sales one. Sadly, Engage is intended for the sales team and not for sending emails for marketing. There is a 500 emails per person per day limit, which is acceptable. Although the limit is fine, it is further limited to just 200 emails per campaign, which is just frustrating. You must limit the number of emails you send to 200 or fewer, or you wont be able to send them all.

August 2022

Use Salesforce Engage to truly help your sales team achieve their goals.

Stephanie C.

Consumer Services

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





Both our sales and marketing teams have collaborated with each other using Engage with ease. I can simply develop email templates in Pardot as a marketer and make those templates accessible to our sales users so they can use them throughout the sales process, giving me some stats on the open rates for email subject lines for those templates. Our sales staff have been really appreciative lately since they have easy access to prospects and have places to start. They have found the templates to be a terrific place to start, which often cuts down their time. However, they have easy access to modify any part of the emails should they wish.


There are some strange bugs every now and then, like the email templates, which refuse to open up at all unless we restart the application. I have frequently discovered that certain data is missing and I must submit a support request to have Pardot populate it. It seems like Salesforce has not put much effort into making it more manageable at the admin level. I can easily see every email that was sent, but since opens might occur more than once for a single recipient, you frequently need to manually sort through the data to determine your true open rate.

July 2022

Salesforce makes collaboration between sales and marketing more efficient.

Jason P.

Services and Information Technology

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





Salesforce has been very good at what it promised. They have actually helped us ‘engage’ better with the clients and with our colleagues in order to really bring a customer home and retain them for a long time. The tools are all made to help us effortlessly run sales and marketing simultaneously with good results so far. I work more with the marketing team than sales (but oversee both of them) and the marketing team has become more efficient, which has resulted in the sales staff nailing their sales pitches! Salesforce has really given us an environment of sharing and participation.


I read some reviews saying that the software was more geared towards sales and not marketing. I found it to be quite the opposite. We have had to rely more on our marketing so that sales staff will have the resources they need to approach a certain lead. This is not something deal-breaking, but would be something worth considering if you don’t have a huge marketing budget. Other than this, there are small nuances like the dashboard being cluttered, which often makes no sense as the buttons are all over the place. And the general functionality is a bit restricted, but still not a real problem.

July 2022

It helps us get in touch with potential customers faster and with great success.

Roy T.

Financial Services

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





It is very simple to build custom reports in Salesforce. I have kept track of client communications and maintained progress with great success. I had a small team, which has been growing slowly but surely thanks to the ease of use of this software. The sales team receives real-time alerts whenever one of their prospects or contacts hits our websites, which includes when they read an email, click on a link, or access any material. This gives them a deeper understanding of their behavior, which is very beneficial during the sales process. All these features combined make Salesforce the best CRM software I have ever used.


They have been constantly at work making the software more stable and reliable over the years, but they still haven’t gotten to the UI part. It still feels as if it belongs in 2010, and even though everything is functional, it just doesn’t look modern enough to make it intuitive. The navigation is a bit buggy as well, with screens often hanging or even skipping a panel in the middle. They have some serious overhauling to do.

July 2022

Easy to use for me and my team on a daily basis. Enables us to reach our goals quickly.

Ross G.

Financial Services

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





We have integrated our pricing systems with salesforce to get more accurate results. All the contacts are available for everyone to access at any point which helps in closing the deals at the right time. It is convenient to have everything at a single place for converting leads to customers or keeping their data for future reference. If you consider the admin point of view, it offers a great dashboard which displays almost every crucial detail on a single screen.


I have developed an understanding that it wasn’t built from the ground up to be integrated with pricing systems (the feature must have been added in the later builds), which makes it a hit or miss kind of situation and ends up increasing input from our end. The contacts, if they exceed a certain amount, get cluttered quickly and there’s a lackluster filter system to sort them out. I really despise the way they have managed this but it still isn’t a deal breaker since all other features work great.