How To Calculate Critical Path And Avoid Project Delays?
Key Insights
  • What is CPM?: Understand the Critical Path Method (CPM) and its role in estimating project timelines.
  • Essential Terms: Learn key terms like Early Start and Float used in CPM.
  • Calculation Guide: Follow steps for manually calculating the critical path, including task identification and dependency mapping.
  • Manual vs. Automated: Compare manual and software-based methods for calculating the critical path.
  • Top Tools: Discover project management tools like Microsoft Project, Asana, and ProjectManager that simplify CPM.

Project management is akin to a complex puzzle; each piece (or task) must be placed and oriented correctly to reveal the full picture at the project's completion. However, there's always that critical path: the string that weaves through every puzzle piece, ensuring they're interconnected and completed in the right sequence to avoid project derailments. 

In this article, we’re going to look at the critical path method (CPM) and what it entails for project management, with examples of software that can use it. We’re also going to cover all the practical applications relating to it, such as how to calculate a critical path and how to calculate important items such as late start and late finish. 

Understanding Critical Path Method

How To Calculate Critical Path And Avoid Project Delays?

The critical path method (sometimes referred to as critical path analysis) is a tool used by project managers to estimate timelines for their projects. Essentially, a critical path is the longest sequence of events, from start to finish, that need to be completed to finish the project. These events, normally referred to as critical tasks, are the tasks that are crucial for a project’s completion. A delay in any one of these tasks delays the entire project. 

Thus, we can reasonably infer that the critical path represents the minimum time required to finish the project without compromising quality. This makes it a very good tool for estimations and reducing delays for a project. 

Important Terms And Abbreviations

Before going into the process of how to find the critical path, it’s important to take note of these terms that are used in the critical path formula:

  • Early Start: Earliest possible time a task can be started in a project.
  • Early Finish: The earliest time a task can be finished.
  • Late Start: Latest possible time a task can be started without delaying the entire project timeline.
  • Late Finish: The latest time a task can be finished.
  • Float (also known as Slack): Refers to how long a task can be delayed before it affects the project timeline. However, tasks within the critical path have no float/slack because they cannot be delayed.

How To Implement Critical Path Analysis In Project Management?

How To Calculate Critical Path And Avoid Project Delays?

To calculate and implement a Critical Path Analysis, project managers must break down the project into tasks, identify dependencies and use the data from this to create a network diagram either manually or by automation (software). 

Let us consider the launch of a new product as an example of a project that uses the critical path method. The product is broken down into phases such as market research, product development, design, testing, marketing, and launch. Tasks like testing are critical tasks, as any delay in these types of tasks would lead to a delay for the entire project. 

Thus, to effectively manage this project, managers focus on prioritizing critical tasks, allocating resources efficiently, and implementing robust risk management strategies for the projects. This approach helps to minimize delays, optimize workflow, and increase the chances of a successful launch.


Why Do Projects Get Delayed?

Projects get delayed due to a variety of reasons, whether it’s human error or unforeseen consequences or even an Act of God. However, the most common reasons are related to poor planning, resource constraints, and scope creep. 

CPM can help tackle these common causes as its focus is on prioritizing critical tasks, which ensures the project's scope remains grounded. Additionally, it also helps with efficient scheduling, leading to a proper allocation of resources and less chances of reaching a bottleneck. Finally, it helps in monitoring and tracking progress, meaning that managers can now make timely corrections if the project isn’t going as per schedule. 

Step-By-Step Guide To Calculating Critical Path

How To Calculate Critical Path And Avoid Project Delays?

The following steps are necessary to manually calculate a critical path: 

Identify All Tasks 

The very first step involves task identification so that the project can be broken up into parts. Every task that’s required to finish the project must be listed. You can utilize a work breakdown structure (WBS) to break down the project into smaller, more manageable tasks. 

Determine Task Dependencies 

Task dependencies refer to tasks that can only be started when a preceding task has been completed. Thus, tasks that depend on others must be determined to ensure that the tasks are properly sequenced. Additionally, managers may make use of diagrams such as PERT and Gantt Charts to visualize the relationships between tasks, making it easier to follow. 

Estimate Duration 

Assign realistic timeframes for each task based on previous experience, expert opinions, or industry benchmarks. However, that’s not all: managers must be wary and account for any potential delays or unexpected challenges that may crop up and delay tasks. 

Create A Network Diagram 

A network diagram is a visual representation of the project where the tasks are visualized as nodes and dependencies as arrows. This diagram helps in giving an overview of the project and can be passed between managers to give a quick snapshot of project completion. 

Calculate Early And Late Start/Finish Times 

Once the diagram is completed, the next step is to assign early start/finish times to tasks along with late start/finish times. To calculate these times, project managers can use either forward pass or backwards pass. 

Forward and backwards passes are calculation methods used in the critical path analysis to figure out the earliest and latest start/finish times for each activity. A forward pass method involves moving from the beginning of the project to the end, calculating earliest times for each task based on the previous ones. As a result, it gives you the earliest start and finish dates. 

Conversely, a backwards pass moves backwards—it moves from the end of the project to the start, calculating the latest finish times for each task based on the task coming after it. Hence, it gives you the latest start and finish dates. 

Identify The Critical Path 

Now that all the timestamps and duration for all tasks have been calculated, the only remaining thing left is to add them up to calculate the time to complete each path. The path that has the longest time will be the critical path.

Manual Vs. Automated Calculation

How To Calculate Critical Path And Avoid Project Delays?

So far, we’ve covered the manual approach to determine critical path. The manual approach has its advantages: it offers a deeper understanding of the project; it does not need any prerequisite like project management tools. However, it can also be time-consuming, riddled with human errors and impractical for large scale projects. 

This is where automated calculation comes in. Today, many project management software automates the critical path process based on user input. These inputs include details such as dependencies, durations and other task details. Once these details are entered, the software automatically creates the network diagrams, performs forward and backward passes, and visually represents the critical path. 

Automated calculation certainly has its pros: it’s very efficient and can handle large scale projects that are too complicated to work on manually; it provides real time updates; it lessens human error. However, it also has its drawbacks: it’s heavily dependent on the accuracy of the data, meaning that if the data is inaccurate, then the resulting critical path will also be inaccurate. It’s also too much for small-scale projects where the manual route is the more cost-effective route. 

Best PM Software for Critical

Which Software And Tools You Can Use To Calculate Critical Path?

While manual calculations are possible for small projects, project management software can significantly streamline the CPA process. Popular options include:

  • Microsoft Project: While it has a bit of a learning curve, Microsoft Project offers a host of in-built features for scheduling and critical path analysis. These features allow you to allocate resources and deliver projects on time.
  • Asana: Known for being one of the more user-friendly project management software, Asana Software provides an easy-to-understand user interface for task management and critical path visualization. Use Asana's Timeline view and see how easy it is to manage your projects from start to finish.
  • ProjectManager: automates the entire critical path process for their users. With additional features such as Gantt Charts and real-time data, ProjectManager ensures that its users have everything available in one kit.