Scoreplan software is a comprehensive solution for businesses seeking to streamline strategic planning and project management. Explore a platform that combines traditional and agile methodologies, efficiently organizes scattered information, and optimizes time and resources.

Scoreplan Specifications

Time Tracking

Task Management


Budget Management

View All Specifications

What Is Scoreplan?


Scoreplan is a robust, cloud-based strategic planning and budgeting solution designed to help organizations of all sizes effectively manage their planning initiatives. The platform offers a comprehensive suite of tools that allow users to develop strategic plans, track key performance indicators, manage projects and tasks, and monitor budgets - all from a centralized online workspace.

What Is Scoreplan Best For?

Scoreplan is best known for its comprehensive strategic planning and budgeting capabilities. Unlike other solutions that treat these as separate processes, Scoreplan offers a fully integrated platform that ties together high-level strategies, objectives, initiatives and budgets. Users can plan for the future while maintaining real-time visibility into progress across the organization.

Scoreplan Pricing

The software cost is flexible and tailored for each organization. Request for a custom Scoreplan cost.

Scoreplan Integrations

The software has not disclosed its third-party integrations.

How Does Scoreplan Work?

Here is how to start with the software:

  • Log into the centralized dashboard
  • Add organizational profiles and define strategic objectives
  • Create performance indicators to track goal progress
  • Build out initiatives as projects, tasks and scheduled activities
  • Develop budgets aligned with the strategic plan timelines
  • Assign responsibilities and share access with relevant teams
  • Track key metrics and monitor milestones through customizable reports
  • Collaborate in real-time through an activity feed that shows updates across the system
  • Drill down into department scorecards for deeper insights
Watch a free Scoreplan demo and learn more about its functionalities.

Who Is Scoreplan For?

Scoreplan is designed to meet the strategic planning and budgeting from small businesses to large multinational organizations. Common sectors that leverage Scoreplan include:

  • Manufacturing
  • Retail/wholesale
  • Financial services
  • Healthcare
  • Education

Is Scoreplan Right For You?

Are you seeking a strategic planning solution that propels your business forward? Scoreplan's unified platform delivers transparent execution and control to realize your full potential.

Scoreplan is hosted in secure Amazon data centers, ensuring complete protection of sensitive goals, budgets and other material. The solution scales from bare deployments to global enterprise needs, preserving performance as your organization evolves.

Still not sure if Scoreplan is right for you? Contact our customer support team at 661-384-7070, who will help you make the best decision by demonstrating the platform's distinct capabilities.

Scoreplan Features

The software has a top-down planning studio that facilitates articulating long-term goals and their translation into quantifiable outcomes at all levels. This provides clear direction while empowering distributed accountability.

how it worksSee How It Works

Key results and metrics are trackable against baselines to surface deviations early. Automated alerts maintain focus on priority actions as organizations evolve constantly. Performance indicators can be customized and tracked over time to monitor goal achievement. Alerts and warnings help users proactively address issues.

how it worksSee How It Works

A powerful yet intuitive budget modeler links resource allocation directly to activities in the strategy map for optimal alignment between spend and performance. Multiple forecasting approaches allow "what-if" scenarios. The impacts of changes can be instantly visible. Budgets roll up for consolidated reporting.

how it worksSee How It Works

Initiatives cascade to work breakdown structures and schedules, while dependencies ensure urgency and collaborative workflows maximize returns. Milestones, deadlines and assignments maintain momentum. Progress rollups track aggregate status across all efforts.

how it worksSee How It Works

Role-based dashboards reveal analytics that improve decision-making. Ad hoc queries and report sharing substantiate progress transparently. Interactive scorecards and customizable reports deliver the right data to stakeholders. Visualizations uncover trends for ongoing enhancement.

how it worksSee How It Works

Pros and Cons of Scoreplan


  • Intuitive user interface
  • Powerful reporting capabilities
  • Real-time performance tracking
  • Centralizes strategic data


  • Learning curve for some features
  • Customization requires training
  • Performance may vary by internet, according to some Scoreplan reviews

Scoreplan Reviews

Overall Rating


4 Reviews

Rating Distribution













March 2023

Makes planning easier.

Rohit M.

Marketing and Advertising

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





We are a new company with a small number of employees and we really needed software that can help us as a small start-up. With the help of Scoreplan, we were able to create projects, then specify their phases, timeframes, responsible parties, and budget limits. We also mapped our journey across the Gantt chart. It allowed us to make replicas of it to facilitate the process of developing fresh projects. Making a link between our projects and the objectives of our strategic planning has never felt easier and faster.


My only criticism is that the search function appears to be lacking. The order of search results appears irregular. For example, if I search ACME Inc., youd assume the most recent or often visited cards would appear, but they dont. Some of the keywords dont appear at all but if they did, they would make our work so much smoother.

February 2023

Made my life easier.

Amir K.

Information Services

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





There is so many software out there that can help you manage and strategize your work and finances, but none have been as efficient as this software. Scoreplan allows you to plan, execute, analyze, and measure results all from the same spot, regardless of device. We were able to learn more about the tool through the demos provided. The demos made it much easier of a task to decide if we wanted to invest in this software or not. I cannot express enough how easier it has made my life at work.


A couple of our employees have not had it that easy with learning the software features. It takes time to become totally familiar with and learn all of the features and tools built into this software.

February 2023

Made data integraton easy for us.

Mike A.

Marketing and Advertising

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





Currently, we have been using Scoreplan for a number of reasons. One of the main is data integration. The software permits the integration of data from multiple areas for the internal dissemination of information regarding target achievement. Strategic planning management is substantially aided by the capacity to integrate indications in a single location and generate course-correcting action plans. Not a lot of software that we have tried had enough reasons to make us stay, but Scoreplan does seem to be keeping us.


One of the things I dislike about Scoreplan is that it may not have all of the complex capabilities that some of our users require. It lacks built-in time tracking and resource management functions, for example, making it less ideal for larger projects or teams.

January 2023

Customer support needs improvement.

Angelo D.

Product Management

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





Scoreplan is a fantastic tool for keeping teams organized, informed, and on schedule. The software is simple to use and comprehend thanks to its adaptable and intuitive user interface. It is an excellent alternative for other collaboration tools because of its flexibility to integrate with them.


Customer support needs to step up majorly, as their cooperation is crucial for any web-based software that is supposed to assist big companies like ours. Their team has often left us hanging with their slow response times and barely helpful replies once they do reply back.

Frequently Asked Questions

Scoreplan offers a variety of pricing plans to fit your budget and requirements.