Electronic medical record (EMR) systems can help small practices keep up with the modern standards of care delivery, comply with regulatory standards, and boost revenue. These comprehensive tools offer a powerful suite of features designed to streamline and standardize workflows throughout the practice – from patient intake and appointment scheduling to diagnosis, treatment planning, and billing. 

However, choosing the right software depends on your practice's size, specialty, and specific clinical and administrative workflow requirements. Providers and practice owners can use this comprehensive guide to explore the best EMR for small practices in 2024 and pick the solution that meets their exact needs.

1. BestNotes EMR 

BestNotes EHR is a leading software solution purpose-built for behavioral health and addiction treatment practices. Founded in 2003, the software has evolved to meet the unique needs of mental health providers by offering a comprehensive solution that integrates clinical documentation, practice management, and patient engagement tools. BestNotes is designed to streamline administrative tasks, enhance communication, and improve overall care delivery. 

BestNotes stands out as an ideal EMR for small practices due to its intuitive interface and customizable features that minimize training time and simplify documentation processes. The software also enhances efficiency by streamlining patient intake, appointment scheduling, treatment planning, and billing processes. Its flexible, subscription-based pricing plans with no upfront fees make BestNotes an accessible and scalable solution for small practices. 

2. MedEZ EMR 

Established in 1996, MedEZ EHR software is a versatile EMR software solution designed to cater to a variety of healthcare practices, with a strong focus on behavioral health and substance abuse treatment centers. The platform integrates clinical documentation, billing, and administrative functions into a single, user-friendly platform. It empowers healthcare providers to streamline workflows, enhance patient care, and improve operational efficiency. 

MedEZ is particularly well-suited for small practices due to its affordability, ease of use, and customizable features. The software’s user-friendly interface and customizable modules reduce the learning curve for new users. Additionally, it offers a responsive customer support service and flexible pricing plans, which make it an accessible and scalable solution that can grow alongside a practice. 

3. Practice Fusion 

Practice Fusion EHR software is an award-winning solution designed to streamline administrative clinical workflows for independent practices across multiple specialties. Founded in 2005, the software has become a popular choice for its user-friendly interface and commitment to affordability. Practice Fusion has earned several accolades. It was named the #1 Cloud-Based Ambulatory EHR by SK&A's annual report in May 2017 and ranked as the #1 EHR for Solo and Small Practices in the 2017 Brown-Wilson Black Book rankings. 

Practice Fusion stands out as one of the best EMR solutions for small practices due to its affordability, user-friendly interface, and robust feature set. Its competitively priced plans, starting at $149 per provider per month, scale with a practice's growing requirements. The vendor also provides free customer support and a cloud-based system with automatic updates to eliminate the need for expensive hardware and IT maintenance. This combination of features makes Practice Fusion a practical and scalable solution for small healthcare providers. 

4. Therapy Notes EHR 

TherapyNotes is an all-in-one EHR for small practices offering solutions specifically designed for mental health professionals. The software was launched in 2010 and has established itself as a trusted platform for managing clinical documentation, scheduling, and billing needs within behavioral health settings. It is known for its clean interface and comprehensive suite of features, which includes customizable templates, secure patient records, and integrated telehealth services. 

The vendor is ideal for small practices due to its specialized focus on mental health, user-friendly design, and comprehensive support features. It offers tools like SOAP note templates, treatment planning tools, and progress note tracking, all of which streamline clinical workflows and enhance patient care efficiency. Additionally, its transparent pricing structure offers a flat monthly fee with unlimited users and storage, which makes TherapyNotes a budget-friendly solution. 

5. WebPT EMR 

Founded in 2008, WebPT EMR & Billing software is a leading cloud-based platform specifically designed for physical therapists and rehabilitation professionals. The software’s comprehensive suite of features caters to the unique needs of outpatient clinics and offers functionalities for patient management, documentation, billing, and practice analytics. It prioritizes a user-friendly interface and streamlines workflows for therapists, from secure messaging and appointment scheduling to progress note creation and integrated outcome tracking tools. 

WebPT is currently utilized by over 20,000 clinics and is considered an excellent option for small physical therapy practices. The software offers an intelligent ecosystem of solutions, including exercise libraries, outcome tracking, digital patient intake, virtual visits, and compliance checks. Additionally, its flexible pricing plans and comprehensive support resources make WebPT one of the best EMR systems for small practices. 

Best In KLAS EMR Software For Small Practices 

KLAS is a renowned independent research firm dedicated to evaluating healthcare technology since 1996. Their objective assessments analyze user satisfaction with various healthcare IT solutions, including EMR software. 

KLAS rankings are based on extensive user feedback. They conduct in-depth interviews with healthcare providers and gather survey responses on a variety of factors. These factors include software functionality, usability, vendor support, and overall user experience.

KLAS assigns scores (both numeric and yes/no) to these factors and averages them over a period of time (typically 13 months). This ensures their rankings reflect real-user experiences and provide a reliable indicator of user satisfaction. However, it's important to note that only one solution from each vendor can be recognized as "Best in KLAS" within a specific market segment. 

In this section, we'll focus on the 2024 Best in KLAS awards for small practices across multiple specialties. This will help you narrow down your options and find the best EHR for private practice to improve overall efficiency and patient care. 



Overall Performance Score

Small Practice Ambulatory EHR/PM (<11 Physicians) | Independent



Best in KLAS Winner: Ambulatory Pediatric Solutions

PCC Pediatric EHR Solutions


2024 Best in KLAS Winner: Ambulatory Specialty EHR (Dermatology)



Best in KLAS Winner: Ambulatory Ophthalmology EHR



Best in KLAS Winner: Behavioral Health

NextGen Healthcare


Best in KLAS Winner: Outpatient Therapy/Rehab



Why These EMRs Won: 

  • athenahealth was recognized for its integrated suite of EHR and PM services that helps small practices streamline workflows, optimize financial performance, and enhance overall patient experience 
  • PCC Software stood out for its specialized features and functionalities designed to optimize workflows and patient care in pediatric practices 
  • Nextech EMR won due to its robust and customizable platform that caters to the specific needs of dermatology practices 
  • EyeMD EMR Software was acclaimed for features and functionalities that help ophthalmology practices improve efficiency and patient care
  • NextGen EHR Software was recognized for its focus on behavioral health workflows and specialized features that improve patient care within mental health facilities 
  • WebPT EMR & Billing software was also recognized by KLAS for excellence in offering a comprehensive suite of features designed specifically for physical therapists 

Why Is It Important To Choose An EMR That Aligns With Your Specific Practice Needs? 

Selecting an EMR system tailored to your practice's unique requirements is important for enhancing efficiency, improving patient care, and ensuring seamless operations. This section explores the significance of choosing an EMR that aligns with your specific practice needs and the core functionalities essential for small practices. 

Understanding Specialty-Specific Requirements 

Different medical specialties have unique requirements that an EMR system must address. For example, a pediatric practice might need features for vaccine management and growth charting, while a behavioral health practice requires robust note-taking capabilities and mental health screening tools. Therefore, you must understand the importance of specialty-specific EMR for your practice. 

Challenges Faced By Small Practices 

Small practices often face unique challenges such as limited staff, budget constraints, and the need for efficient time management. These challenges make it essential to select an EMR that is cost-effective, easy to use, and requires minimal training. An ideal EMR for small practice should offer:

  • Affordability: Competitive pricing plans that fit within tight budgets 
  • Ease of Use: A user-friendly interface that reduces the learning curve 
  • Scalability: The ability to grow with your practice without incurring prohibitive costs

Core EMR Functionalities For Small Practices 

The right EHR for small private practice should include several core features, including: 

  • Patient Scheduling: Streamlines appointment booking and reduces no-shows 
  • Medical Billing: Ensures accurate billing and efficient claims processing 
  • Clinical Documentation: Facilitates detailed and organized patient records 
  • E-Prescribing: Allows for safe and efficient prescription management 
  • Patient Portal: Enhances patient engagement by providing access to health records and communication tools 
  • Interoperability: Enables seamless exchange of patient data with other healthcare systems, including labs and pharmacies 
  • Customization: Allows to modify the system to adjust to your specific workflows 
  • Data Security And Regulatory Compliance: Ensures your EMR complies with HIPAA regulations and safeguards sensitive patient information 

How The Best EHR System Can Help Overcome Unique Challenges? 

The best EMR for solo practice can help users in many ways. It can streamline workflows by automating tasks like scheduling and billing, freeing up valuable time for patient interaction. Features like secure patient portals improve communication and empower patients to take a more active role in their health.

Furthermore, an EMR system tailored specifically to your specialty will enable you to make more informed decisions about treatment plans and enhance the efficiency of your practice. 

If you still are unclear on how to choose the right EMR, you can check out this comprehensive guide to EMR for small practices

On-Premise Vs. Cloud Based Deployment

 Selecting the right deployment model for their electronic medical records software is an important decision for small practices. Here's a breakdown of the two main options: 


This traditional model stores your data on physical servers located within your practice. You have complete control over the hardware, software, and security measures. However, it also comes with several drawbacks: 

  • Significant upfront cost 
  • Ongoing maintenance 
  • Limited scalability 


Cloud-based EMR software store your data on secure servers hosted by the vendor. You access the system via the internet using a web browser or dedicated app. This model typically requires users to pay a monthly subscription fee rather than making a large initial investment in hardware and software licenses. Here are the key advantages of cloud-based EMRs for small practices: 

  • Cost-effectiveness 
  • Scalability 
  • Accessibility and flexibility 
  • Disaster recovery 
  • Automatic updates and maintenance 
  • Enhanced security 

On-premise systems may offer more control over customization, but the advantages of cloud-based EMR outweigh these considerations for most small practices. Cloud-based solutions streamline operations, optimize costs, ensure secure data access, and offer greater flexibility – all crucial factors for successful solo and small practices. 

Ready To Take The Next Step?

Choosing the best EMR for your practice demands careful consideration. Evaluate the solutions discussed here, weighing factors such as feature sets, pricing models, industry awards, and vendor support. It's important to select an EMR that aligns precisely with your practice's unique needs, specialty requirements, and long-term objectives. 

For personalized guidance, feel free to reach out to us at (661) 384-7070. Our team of experts is ready to address your specific questions and assist you in selecting the best EHR for small practices.