
Over the past few years, the world has gone through a great many challenges and changes. Remote work is one such transition the world witnessed, and it has gradually occupied a crucial space in the modern era.

In a recent survey conducted by McKinsey and Company, “American Opportunity Survey”, about 87% of people prefer flexible work options, and working remotely provides them with that flexibility.

Whereas remote work offers great benefits to employees, such as reducing the commute hassle and the possibility of micromanagement, it has also posed some serious issues, such as poor motivation and lack of interest.

Owing to this challenge, it is essential for organizations to come up with creative and innovative ideas that keep their remote employees interested in work and their motivation never dips. This can be particularly taxing since the traditional on-premises office activities cannot be applied.

But panic not, in the following blog, we are going to explore unique ideas that will help you keep your remote employees interested and aid their productivity, thereby fostering a positive remote work culture.

How to Keep Remote Employees Motivated

You can employ the following exercises to help keep your remote employees inspired and driven.

1. Get LMS for Training New Employees

If you have welcomed new employees onboard and are looking for adequate training content, the corporate Learning Management System is the best option for you. You can either get commercial LMS or open source. Both options come with a range of pros and cons, and you must pick one at your convenience. Open source, however, is a free learning management system, while you must purchase the commercial ones.

Design courses for your employees that educate them thoroughly about the workplace and the duties they will be assigned. You can also add quizzes and certificates at the end of courses that help evaluate employees’ knowledge and retention capabilities.

Choose the best learning management system for your organization and get started on employee training, training programs, training courses, compliance training, and track online training courses as well. LMS is beneficial for blended learning as well.

You can explore Adobe Learning Manager or TalentCards Software for online learning, employee training, or customer training.

2. LMS and its Gamification Features

To make employee training fun, you should get an online training management platform that has a great and diverse gamification feature. Such features often include badges, scores, levels, and rewards that keep the employees hooked until they have completed the requisite training and interactive courses.

In addition, this feature is helpful in evaluating their knowledge. You can explore features of a learning management system and acquaint yourself better with these platforms before purchasing one.

3. Rewarding Employees for Achieving Milestones

Inspiring your employees to give their absolute best and elevate their productivity is a goal worth celebrating. One powerful way to do this is by recognizing their achievements with meaningful rewards. It's about more than just the prizes; it's a genuine expression of gratitude and acknowledgment for their hard work and dedication.

Consider spotlighting their successes in the monthly newsletter and sharing the news of their milestone achievements with the entire team. This public recognition makes them feel valued and inspires a sense of pride in their accomplishments. It's like a virtual high-five that resonates across the workplace, creating a positive ripple effect.

Another impactful gesture is giving them a shout-out in a virtual meeting, allowing the entire team to applaud their efforts. This personal touch fosters a sense of camaraderie and encourages a supportive team culture. It's not just about the reward but the shared joy of success within the team.

In this way, celebrating milestones becomes a morale booster, instilling in your employees a sense of accomplishment and motivation. It's a reminder that their hard work doesn't go unnoticed and is appreciated by the entire team. By fostering this positive atmosphere, you create a workplace where individuals feel valued, motivated, and eager to continue delivering their best.

4. Online Team Building Activities

Creating a connected and positive remote work environment is crucial for the well-being and productivity of your team. One fantastic way to foster camaraderie among remote employees is by organizing engaging online team-building activities. These activities go beyond the usual work routine, injecting fun and fellowship into the virtual workspace.

Consider setting up online games encouraging collaboration and friendly competition among team members. These activities provide a break from the daily grind while promoting teamwork, whether in virtual escape rooms, team-building challenges, or multiplayer games.

Another enjoyable option is hosting trivia nights, where team members can showcase their knowledge on various topics. This sparks friendly banter and allows everyone to learn more about each other's interests outside of work.

For a more creative outlet, organize virtual jamming sessions where team members can share their musical talents or simply enjoy listening to each other's favorite tunes. This provides a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, fostering a sense of connection and shared experiences.

By incorporating such activities into the remote work routine, you not only alleviate stress but also boost morale and motivation. These moments of shared enjoyment create lasting bonds among team members, ensuring they approach their work with renewed energy and a strengthened sense of unity.

Investing in these online team-building activities ultimately contributes to a happier and more productive remote work environment.

5. Remote Learning Exercises

If you have employees who are eager to learn more about their respective jobs and the duties they entail, you can arrange online courses for them that help them excel in their careers. Moreover, webinars and workshops that consolidate their training and assess their knowledge and abilities harbored from those courses are also great ideas that you should explore.

To make the learning process fun, you just need to add interactive elements and fun training materials to their routine, and you can track learner progress via advanced corporate learning management system.

In case any of your employees want to continue their education, you can avail online training courses to enable blended learning for them. One such learning platform is Path LMS that not only educates and trains but ensures personalized learning and tracks learner progress as well.

Furthermore, you can track employee training or their training programs' progress by using different learning modes such as Learning Locker or any other corporate LMS software.

6. Mental Health Support

Recognizing that not everyone thrives in the typical 9-5 desk job, it's crucial to acknowledge its impact on mental health. Taking care of your employees' well-being extends beyond office hours, including weekends and personal time. One thoughtful way to support your team is by introducing wellness programs tailored to their needs.

Consider offering virtual meditation or yoga sessions as part of your wellness initiatives. These activities provide a valuable opportunity for employees to unwind, destress, and focus on their mental and physical well-being. Creating a space for mindfulness benefits their overall health and contributes to a more balanced and resilient workforce.

Taking it further, engage with your employees to understand their preferences and needs. You show a genuine commitment to their well-being by offering customized wellness programs. This could include anything from personalized fitness plans to mental health resources that resonate with their unique challenges and preferences.

By prioritizing mental health support, you foster a workplace culture that values the holistic well-being of your team. This enhances their ability to navigate the demands of a job and ensures they feel genuinely cared for beyond the confines of their work responsibilities. Doing so contributes to a healthier, happier, more resilient work environment.

7. Performance Allowance (Rewards)

Motivating your team to consistently deliver their best work is not just about recognizing their efforts but also ensuring they have the tools and comfort they need to thrive. One meaningful way to do this is offering a performance allowance as a monetary reward. This allowance empowers your employees to upgrade their remote work experience.

Consider the practical aspects of remote work, such as upgrading their workstation or improving their internet connection. This allowance can be a game-changer, allowing them to invest in the equipment and technology that make their work more efficient and enjoyable.

From ergonomic office chairs to suitable furniture, the goal is to create a workspace that prioritizes comfort and convenience. By providing financial support for these enhancements, you show your commitment to your employees' well-being and acknowledge the unique challenges of remote work.

Beyond just a token of appreciation, the performance allowance becomes a tangible investment in your team's success. It reflects a belief in their potential and a recognition of the importance of a conducive work environment. In doing so, you not only boost morale but also contribute to a workplace culture that values and supports the holistic needs of your employees.

8. Personal Development Advising

Empowering your employees to embark on a journey of personal growth and development is a robust investment in their professional success and overall well-being. By offering support such as coaching sessions, corporate training, or one-on-one mentorship, you provide avenues for them to explore and enhance various aspects of their lives.

Enrolling in these programs opens opportunities for your team to delve into personal grooming and betterment, honing leadership skills, and mapping out their career growth. It's about acknowledging that growth is a continuous process and providing the resources for employees to evolve personally and professionally.

These initiatives go beyond the traditional scope of work-related training, touching on areas employees feel are essential for their improvement. This personalized approach addresses their specific needs, promotes a culture of collaborative learning, and fosters a sense of value and individual attention.

As a result, employees gain not just skills but also a boost in confidence. Feeling supported in their personal development endeavors translates into a more enthusiastic and professional approach to their work activities. It's a win-win situation where your team members become more well-rounded individuals, contributing to the workplace and their own sense of fulfillment and accomplishment.

9. E-Gifts and Digital Badges

Boosting employee engagement and recognizing outstanding performance can take on a digital and personalized touch with the help of innovative tools like a robust learning management system or other employee engagement software. The goal is to go beyond routine rewards and surprises, presenting employees with e-gifts, digital badges, and other customizable features that truly celebrate their achievements.

Imagine the joy of receiving a surprise bonus, an e-gift card tailored to their interests, or a well-deserved digital badge for a job well done. These digital rewards add a thoughtful and personal touch, making employees feel not just acknowledged but also appreciated for their exceptional contributions.

For that extra touch, consider introducing titles like "Employee of the Month" as a prestigious accolade. Winning this title not only comes with a shout-out during a virtual team meeting but also serves as a symbol of recognition within the entire organization.

Moreover, aligning these bonuses and surprises with individual interests—be it through an entertainment platform, an online store, or a favorite restaurant—makes the gesture even more meaningful. It shows a level of consideration and personalization that goes a long way in making employees feel valued and understood.

In essence, incorporating e-gifts and digital badges into your recognition strategy transforms routine acknowledgments into moments of genuine celebration. It contributes to a positive workplace culture where employees not only excel in their roles but also feel a deep sense of connection and appreciation from their team and the organization.

10. Employees Competitions

One of the most classic ideas to keep employees motivated and driven is to conduct workplace or employee competitions. These activities often prompt creativity and hard work and keep everyone excited.

Some examples of these competitions are fun yet productive tasks such as onboarding the highest number of new clients, closing off the highest sales deal, meeting the deadlines at the earliest, or making the least mistakes in a project.

This way, remote workers also feel connected to the on-site workers and do not feel isolated. In addition, such exercises also keep the home slump at bay.

11. Staff Recognition

Whether on the company’s social media platforms, monthly newsletter, company blogs, Slack channels, or internal communications – the most hard-working, dedicated, or awesome employee of the month can be announced and appreciated. This spotlight will help the rest of the employees recognize and acquaint themselves with the said employee and help them cultivate friendly relations with each other.

Furthermore, to make this activity more fun and exciting for the employees, the rest of the team can leave honorary remarks for the employees, or the company can publish their list of milestones. This is another way to keep the employees interested. When they learn that their hard work and achievements are being recognized and appreciated, they put in more effort to polish their skills and overall work.

12. Virtual Reality and Employee Inclusion

Virtual Reality has taken a leap into the extraordinary in this rapidly evolving landscape. The latest VR headsets are marvels, providing immersive experiences almost indistinguishable from reality. The crystal-clear visuals and high resolution create a virtual world that's as life-like as possible.

What makes this even more fascinating is the fusion of Virtual Reality with cutting-edge technologies like machine learning and advanced algorithms. This dynamic duo allows the VR environment to adapt and cater to individual needs.

Imagine having a customized experience uniquely tailored just for you. And the cherry on top? The haptic gear system of VR adds a touch of realism, making you feel like you're truly present in virtual space.

Now, here's where it gets exciting for remote employees. Virtual Reality becomes a bridge that connects them with on-site office activities. Whether a team party or a friendly competition, VR ensures remote workers don't miss out on the fun. They can virtually participate, feel the excitement, and be a part of the camaraderie, making inclusion a tangible and enriching experience.

Virtual Reality isn't just about technology; it's about bringing people together, transcending physical boundaries, and creating a sense of togetherness in the most realistic way possible. As we navigate this era of innovation, VR emerges not just as a tool but as a conduit for connection and inclusion, making work experiences more prosperous and enjoyable for all.

13. Incorporation of New Tools

Countless training programs and corporate learning management systems are available today that make remote work easier and flexible for remote workers. Employees do not feel overworked whilst feeling connected to their colleagues working within the office premises.

These tools facilitate convenient communication among employees, such as videoconferencing tools, team-based messaging software, and countless virtual project management platforms. Thrive is one such corporate training management system tailored for efficient compliance training tracking and collaboration amongst team members.

Similarly, if you want to create courses and award your employees with relevant certificates at the completion of online courses, you can opt ThinkingCap LMS that allows you to author your online courses and online learning of your employees.

In addition to communication, you can train new employees by using an LMS platform that will not only enable them to learn about the workplace and their job position but will also evaluate their progress, assess them via quizzes, and finally award them with a certificate once they have completed the online courses.

There are different types of corporate learning management systems, including Skillsoft software, you can pick one that meets your needs. To accustom yourself to these tools, you can explore learning management system tools along with their costs, such as Skillsoft pricing, to get a better understanding of this training tool, including its affordability.

These tools are very beneficial in upskilling not only the employees but the entire organization.

14. Virtual Games

Since remote employees are bound to their screens throughout their working hours, it is crucial to add such fun activities for them that break the redundancy of stressed screen timing. The ideal choice here is to introduce virtual games and ideally incorporate such games that are in alignment with the employees’ tastes and preferences.

Introducing multiple games will provide the employees with fun options to choose from, and it will elevate their excitement. Some of these fun virtual games are:

  • Buzzword Bingo
  • Search Engine Savvy
  • Virtual Team Trivia
  • Coffee Talk
  • Online Karaoke
  • Talent Showcase

15. Incorporating AR and VR with LMS

Per The Augmented and Virtual Reality Survey Report, around 86% of the respondents believe that by 2025, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Mixed Reality – as a combination of both AR and VR will be in demand as in mobile-held solutions and hand-held devices. This underscores the increasing significance of VR in our lives and how businesses should modify their operations to integrate Mixed Reality.

LMS integrated with VR has a great demand in the corporate sector. This is especially helpful in instilling the following skills in new employees:

  • Business and soft skills (negotiations, sales, etc.)
  • Customer support training
  • Onboarding (Introduction to the company, history, important personalities, etc.) 
  • Recruitment (HR Operations)

It is advisable that you explore these options by getting a corporate learning management system, as it is easier to use and understand.

Learning Management Systems To Facilitate Convenient Corporate Training

Given below are some of the best corporate learning management systems and software that are tailored to facilitate easier employee training, corporate training, and track learner progress.

1. TalentCards Software

Welcome to TalentCards, a cutting-edge mobile learning platform that seamlessly integrates knowledge into your busy schedule. This platform is crafted to provide an organic and formal learning environment, ensuring that skill development is not just a task but an enriching experience.

With bite-sized, interactive lessons, TalentCards brings a new dimension to learning, making it accessible anytime, anywhere. TalentCards: where learning feels natural, and success is within reach.

TalentCards Software Features

Convenient Mobile learning:

One of the key features of TalentCards Software is that it is not a traditional learning management system, rather, it has been modified to meet your dynamic needs in the best way possible. It promotes efficient online learning via its mobile app that ensures hassle-free corporate training programs.

interactive learning management system:

TalentCards is designed in a way that enables its users to access diverse features easily. It supports multimedia to enhance user experience.

2. Learning Locker Learning Program

Welcome to Learning Locker LRS, an advanced Learning Record Store designed to elevate your training and development initiatives. In a world where data-driven insights meet the pursuit of knowledge, Learning Locker stands as a beacon of innovation.

This platform provides a formal and seamless approach to tracking and analyzing learning experiences, ensuring a holistic understanding of your team's progress. Learning Locker LRS: where data meets expertise in the most natural and effective way.

Learning Locker LRS Features

Comprehensive Learning Data Insights:

Learning Locker LRS goes beyond conventional tracking systems by providing a holistic view of your team's learning journey. Gain deep insights into individual and collective progress, track skill development, and understand the effectiveness of training programs.

The platform's robust analytics empower organizations to make informed decisions, enhancing their learning initiatives' overall impact and efficiency.

Scalable and Flexible Architecture:

Learning Locker LRS boasts a scalable and flexible architecture that embraces the diverse needs of modern organizations. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, the platform adapts to your requirements, accommodating growth and evolving learning strategies.

With its versatile design, Learning Locker ensures seamless integration into existing systems, maximizing the potential for personalized and compelling learning experiences.

3. Path Learning Management System

Welcome to Path LMS, where the learning journey meets a platform designed for excellence. Path LMS is a beacon of innovation in Learning Management Systems, offering a seamless and comprehensive solution for organizations committed to fostering growth and development.

Path LMS is your partner in crafting dynamic and engaging learning experiences with a user-centric approach and cutting-edge features. Join us on the path to knowledge empowerment, where every step is an investment in your team's success.

Path LMS Features

Intuitive User Experience:

Path LMS stands out with its commitment to delivering an intuitive user experience. Navigating the platform is a seamless journey, ensuring administrators and learners can effortlessly access and manage content.

The user-centric design promotes engagement, making learning a straightforward and enjoyable process. Path LMS prioritizes simplicity without compromising functionality from course creation to progress tracking.

Customizable Learning Paths:

One of the standout features of Path LMS is its ability to create tailored learning paths. Organizations can design personalized learning journeys for their teams, aligning courses with specific goals and skill development objectives.

This customization extends to branding, allowing companies to maintain a consistent and professional look across their learning environment. With Path LMS, empower your team with curated content that aligns precisely with your organizational objectives.

4. Thrive Software

Thrive Software is a pinnacle to innovative solutions that elevate your business operations. It is not just a tool; it's a dynamic suite crafted to empower your organization's efficiency and growth.

With a commitment to excellence, Thrive seamlessly integrates into your workflows, providing a comprehensive solution for tasks ranging from project management to team collaboration.

Thrive Software Features

Integrated Project Management:

Thrive Software takes project management to the next level with its integrated solution. Enjoy a comprehensive platform consolidating tasks, timelines, and team collaboration tools in one central hub. From project inception to completion, Thrive streamlines workflows, fosters real-time collaboration, and ensures that every facet of your projects is managed precisely, empowering your team to excel in a dynamic work environment.

Advanced Team Collaboration:

Thrive understands the importance of effective team collaboration, and its platform is designed to enhance communication and cooperation. With features like shared workspaces, real-time messaging, and collaborative document editing, teams can seamlessly work together irrespective of geographical distances. Thrive's commitment to fostering a collaborative culture ensures that your team remains connected and aligned, promoting organizational productivity and success.

5. ThinkingCap Learning Management System

Welcome to ThinkingCap LMS, where learning meets innovation in a platform that elevates educational experiences. ThinkingCap LMS stands as a testament to cutting-edge solutions in Learning Management Systems.

With a commitment to fostering a culture of continuous learning, this platform seamlessly blends user-friendly features with powerful tools for administrators and learners alike.

ThinkingCap LMS Features

Adaptive Learning Paths:

ThinkingCap LMS stands out with its adaptive learning paths, tailoring online courses to individual needs. The platform employs intelligent algorithms to understand each learner's strengths and areas for improvement, dynamically adjusting the training materials to optimize engagement and knowledge retention.

This personalized approach ensures that every user progresses through corporate training at their own pace, fostering a more effective and enjoyable learning experience.

Comprehensive Analytics and Reporting:

A key feature of ThinkingCap LMS is its robust analytics and reporting capabilities. Administrators gain deep insights into learner performance, course effectiveness, engagement and track training progress.

The platform's detailed reports provide valuable data for refining learning strategies, identifying trends, and measuring the impact of learning initiatives.

Bottom Line:

To keep the remote employees driven is a unique challenge for many employers around the globe, and it will not be an understatement to say that the advanced technology and its various tools have got these employers’ back.

Of all the tools required to keep the employees engaged or motivated, the most important are LMS platforms, as they not only educate and train but ensure the intellectual stimulation of employees as well. To delve into the functioning of these platforms, you can begin by diving into learning management system tools.