The Best EHRs For Family Practice

Family Practice EHR

Are you running a family medicine practice and looking for the best EHR (electronic health records) software to support your business in ?

You’re not alone!

In the past few months, more and more doctors have been searching for digital solutions that streamline their workflow. But it can be overwhelming to sift through all the options available in the market. So, here's our quick and painless solution.

This piece aims to provide healthcare professionals with an in-depth, unbiased look at which EHR/practice management software options are best equipped for family practices for the foreseeable long term (in an AI-powered tech world).

In so doing, we want to help you pick the best system for your needs and budget without having to conduct endless field research for the right fit (or get sucked into dead-end marketing pitches).

For context, we will examine current and unfolding primary industry trends and compare various vendors and services designed specifically with family health settings in mind.

So, let's get started.

Best EHR For Family Practice Guide – Contents Brief

We’ll be doing a deep dive into the following:

  • Why EHRs in family medicine (you – still – ask)?
  • A word on the functional difference between EHRs & EMRs…family-practice-angled
  • Our family practice EMR software evaluation criteria
  • Top 5 family medicine/independent practice EHR systems in 
  • Implementation tips to get started right…and quick!
  • Electronic Health Records for Family Medicine: Current & Future Trends
  • Takeaways

Electronic Health Records + Family Medicine: A Fun, Necessary Marriage

Family Med EHR

We contend that powering family medicine clinics with EHRs is a necessity rather than a choice.

With approximately 88.2% of U.S. office-based physicians utilizing an EMR/EHR system, there's a clear trend toward digitalization in the healthcare sector.

Further, EHRs have proven to be a powerful tool in family medicine, where the need for comprehensive data and patient history is paramount. For instance, plugs like P-RIFTEHR (built into many of these suites) can identify familial relationships and provide insights into hereditary conditions and patient histories, enhancing the overall quality of care.

The integration of EHRs in family medicine isn't just about efficiency, though; it's also about responsiveness.

The recent repeal of the Sustainable Growth Rate by Congress, which includes payment/medical billing incentives for physicians, indicates a move towards making EHRs more responsive to the needs of patients, particularly older adults. This integration – additionally meant to guide patient portal designs – also helps in documenting any racial bias that may occur during medical processes, hence promoting equality and fairness.

Plus, the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms for patient data analysis in family practice can hardly be ignored. This new-age provision enables unprecedented care personalization and more incisive diagnostic insights.

Quick EHR Vs. EMR Difference Assessment (So It Never Boggles)

Doctors Puzzled

EHRs and electronic medical records (EMRs) are both digital versions of a patient's medical history, but they differ - importantly - in scope (in terms of their facilitated patient health information spread).

Let's understand this.

EMR Software

An EMR serves as the digital counterpart to the traditional paper chart found in a clinician's office. It consolidates patients' comprehensive medical and treatment history within a single practice. Its primary purpose is to enhance workflow efficiency, facilitate patient data tracking over time, identify individuals due for preventive screenings, and monitor specific parameters such as blood pressure readings or vaccinations.

By leveraging EMRs, healthcare providers can streamline their operations while ensuring the delivery of quality care.

However, as you may have discerned, EMRs are limited because they don't easily travel outside the practice. If a patient switches doctors, the new doctor might not have access to the previous records unless they're manually transferred.

EHR Software

On the other hand, EHRs surpass the conventional clinical data gathered solely in a healthcare provider's office. They encompass a comprehensive perspective of a patient's care.

In so doing, they consider information from all healthcare professionals involved in a patient's treatment and their selected family members. Furthermore, authorized providers and staff members can create, manage, and access them across multiple healthcare organizations.

Some of the leading EHRs, in fact, are designed to be accessed by all people involved in the patient's care—including the patients themselves. This means they can help provide coordinated and efficient care for patients, particularly those with complex conditions requiring care from different healthcare providers.

The Best Choice For Family Practices On A Budget?

In the context of family medicine, EHRs are usually more beneficial.

Their comprehensive, data-democratizing nature allows family physicians to have a holistic view of their patients' health, which is essential given that they often have to manage a variety of conditions across different age groups. Moreover, the interoperability of EHRs makes it easier to coordinate care with specialists, which is a common requirement in family medicine.

However, because many family medicine clinics operate as small, independent practices, they normally can't spend exorbitant annual sums on these subscriptions. As a way around this, many practitioners choose to go for cost-effective EMRs, instead; conducting any patient data transfers/intakes manually.

Our Family Practice Management Software/EHR Evaluation Method

Conducting EHR software evaluation

Our software experts use a probing eight-point criteria framework to evaluate every EHR/EMR option for recommendation (including family practice software). They also factor in authentic user reviews relevant to each of these general tool aspects.

These evaluation cues are summarized as follows:

Family Medicine Software - Decision/Evaluation Pointers

Relevant Features

The presence of necessary features that align with the specific needs and workflows of family practice, such as appointment scheduling, medical billing services, patient portal, telemedicine, e-prescribing, patient records consolidation, integrated practice management, revenue cycle management, automated clinical documentation, prognostic patient care, and more.

Ease Of Implementation

The ability to implement the EHR/EMR software with minimal disruption to staff and patient workflow and without requiring specialized technical expertise.

Customization Flexibility

System readiness/adaptability to meet the specific needs and preferences of the family practice (e.g., with custom templates).

UI/UX Design

The intuitiveness and simplicity of the system's interface, contributing to an easy-to-navigate and streamlined user experience.

User Security

The robustness of the software's security features to protect sensitive patient data from potential cybersecurity threats and ensure compliance with healthcare laws and regulations.


The system's ability to seamlessly integrate and communicate with other healthcare systems, fostering comprehensive and coordinated care.

User Support

The quality of technical, operational, and customer service provided by the vendor to facilitate a smooth user experience and swift resolution of any arising issues.

Cost Comparison

Assessing the overall value of the software against its cost, ensuring that it offers a good return on investment and aligns with the budget of the family practice.

We’ve passed scores of the leading family practice management software through this framework to finalize our top five.

Our Top 5 Family Practice EHR Picks!

If you’re fishing for the perfect EHR/EMR fit for your family medicine center, here’s where you want to put your consideration hat on and note everything.

Because if you work with us and do this right, you’ll likely have a winning practice management solution by the end of this section.

So, let’s jump in – listed in order of preference (starting with the highest-scoring software, the second best, and onward).

  • NextGen EHR (⅞ Checks; 87% Approval Score)
  • AthenaHealth EMR (6.⅝ Checks; 81%)
  • DrChrono EHR (6/8 Checks; 75%)
  • NueMD EMR (5.⅝ Checks; 68%)
  • Practice Fusion EMR (⅝ Checks; 62%)

Exploring each.

NextGen EHR – Best Overall


NextGen EHR is a robust, fully integrated and HIPAA-compliant health record management system that is highly suitable for family practice settings. One of the key reasons for its suitability is its ability to manage the diverse and comprehensive health needs typically encountered in a family medicine clinic.

The platform offers a patient-centered approach to documentation, enabling seamless tracking of a patient's health history, medications, lab results, and more. It supports the coordination of care across different healthcare providers, which is essential in a family practice setting where patients range from children to elderly adults with varying health conditions.

Dedicated patient portals add to the interactive profile set by the interface design.

Moreover, the system is designed to enhance the efficiency of practices by offering features like automated patient reminders, streamlined prescription refills, and simplified billing processes. This can help save time and reduce administrative burden, allowing family physicians to focus more on patient care.

Furthermore, with its customizable templates and intuitive user interface, NextGen EHR can adapt to the unique workflows of each practice, making it an excellent choice for family practices of all sizes.

The vendor's commitment to interoperability - the ability to exchange and use information across different healthcare systems - aligns perfectly with the interconnected nature of family medicine, reinforcing its suitability for these settings.

Where the EHR fails its users to some extent is in terms of its cost structure – which can be a little expensive for small startup clinics.

More advanced users are given the option of upgrading to the NextGen Enterprise Suite.

NextGen EHR pricing starts at $299* per provider per month.

CALL NOW to get a quick, free quote tailored to your practice.

* General pricing; the exact figure may vary with specialized plans/custom packages

AthenaHealth EMR – Highest Cost Savings


AthenaHealth is a comprehensive electronic medical records software designed to meet the diverse needs of family practice settings. One of its key strengths is its wide range of features tailored to family practice clinics' specific needs. This includes patient scheduling, family-centered medical billing, and performance tracking tools, all of which can help streamline operations and improve patient care.

One standout feature of AthenaHealth EHR is its smooth and intuitive user interface. As a cloud-based software, it provides easy access to patient information and allows for seamless coordination of care. Its documentation features also enhance the encounter workflow, making it easier for practitioners to find patient information where it belongs -- in their records.

However, AthenaHealth EHR does have some areas where it could improve to better compete with other systems in the field.

While its feature set is robust, learning to use all the functionalities can present a steep learning curve for some, particularly those new to EHR systems. Additionally, some users have reported challenges with the system's billing management features, indicating that there may be room for improvement in this area.

Check out the AthenaOne mobile app if you’re looking to run your practice on a HIPAA-compliant solution on the go.

AthenaHealth EMR pricing starts at $140* per provider per month.

CALL NOW to get a quick, free quote tailored to your practice.

* General pricing; the exact figure may vary with specialized plans/custom packages

DrChrono EHR – Most Accessible


DrChrono is another solid EHR deployment for family practice settings/health care providers.

One of its strongest attributes is its cloud-based, mobile-friendly platform, which allows for easy access to patient medical records and seamless coordination of care. The software includes customizable forms and templates, intelligent patient charts, integrated labs, e-prescribing (eRx) with Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances (EPCS), and online patient portals.

These features streamline administrative tasks, enhance patient engagement, and improve the efficiency of clinical workflows, making the platform particularly suitable for the varied needs of family practice.

The cost-effectiveness of DrChrono is another key advantage. As a cloud-based EMR software, it eliminates the need for expensive hardware or upfront costs associated with traditional on-premise systems.

However, while DrChrono offers many essential features, some users have noted that it lacks some of the advanced tools found in more comprehensive medical software. For instance, its reporting capabilities could be more robust, and there may be room for improvement in terms of customer support responsiveness. We’ve covered some of these issues in our ‘DrChrono vs Practice Fusion Comparison’ piece.

DrChrono EHR and Practice Management pricing starts at $199* per provider per month.

CALL NOW to get a quick, free quote tailored to your practice.

* General pricing; the exact figure may vary with specialized plans/custom packages

NueMD EMR – Easiest Setup

nuemd logo 

NueMD EMR offers a cloud-based EMR/EHR solution that is perfect for small practices and family medicine settings. Its integrated practice management, medical billing, electronic health recording, and appointment scheduling features make it a comprehensive tool for managing a healthcare center of practically any leaning.

The software's broad and deep functionality for clinical workflows, including charting, lends itself well to the varied needs of family practice. Furthermore, the system is widely acclaimed for its ease of implementation, which can be a significant advantage for small practices with limited resources.

However, despite these strengths, NueMD may have some limitations compared to other EMRs in the field.

Some users have expressed concerns about customer service responsiveness and the software's lack of some advanced features found in competitor systems. A good solution here is to consider NueMD alternatives if you’re serious about committing.

NueMD EMR pricing starts at $149* per provider per month.

CALL NOW to get a quick, free quote tailored to your practice.

* General pricing; the exact figure may vary with specialized plans/custom packages

Practice Fusion EMR – Cool Customization


Practice Fusion EHR is yet another affordable, cloud-based solution that has gained popularity among various healthcare professionals, including those in family practice settings.

The platform stands out with its high degree of customization, making it adaptable to the needs of diverse medical practices. It includes features such as medical charting, electronic prescribing, and integrative environments for treatment teams and care.

However, while Practice Fusion has a best-in-class satisfaction rate, it does face some challenges compared to its competitors. Most notably, some users have expressed dissatisfaction with customer support and the software's occasional glitches.

Practice Fusion EHR pricing starts at $149* per provider per month.

CALL NOW to get a quick, free quote tailored to your practice.

* General pricing; the exact figure may vary with specialized plans/custom packages


If any of these family practice EHR software have piqued your fancy, here’s what you need to do:

  • Go to your chosen system’s Software Finder profile page (you can enter the software name in the search field at the top of this page, on our homepage, or follow the navigational links in the product sections above to reach your spot).
  • Once there, you want to pour over all the vendor intel given. Pay special attention and click on the ‘Watch Demo’ and ‘Get Pricing’ buttons: your quick, free entries to what the EMR (actually) holds in store, along with updated, custom quotes for your practice.
  • And if you’re pressed for time or hit a snag ️️for any other reason, we’re still here for you: contact our helpline executives right away (the number’s given everywhere)!

Implementation Tips – Getting Your Family Practice EMR Software Work-Ready

Doctors Implementing EHR

Now that you’ve scored a decent electronic health record subscription, it’s time to get implementing:

Putting the acquisition to your family practice’s service.

Here are our top tips on how you want to go about this the right way:

  • Create a comprehensive EHR implementation plan with reasonable objectives
  • Establish a depployment team with clearly defined roles
  • Ensure your EHR software is compliant with privacy and security regulations
  • Invest in training for the care team on how to use the new system
  • Utilize templates for efficient documentation
  • Conduct a workflow assessment to understand how the new system will change your current processes
  • Have core medical forms pre-built in the EHR to streamline workflow
  • Consult with experts and other users, and visit other implemented sites to learn from their experiences
  • Avoid winging it; stick to your plan and follow project management best practices
  • Optimize EHR usage by incorporating practical tips suitable for small and family medical practices

If you want the whole nine yards – with steps – on conducting a solid deployment, read our ‘EHR Implementation Roadmap’ piece (a definitive resource on the issue).

Current And Future Trends In Family Medicine EHR Use

Doctors Anticipating Trends

The future of EHRs in family medicine is predicted to undergo several key trends.

One significant shift expected is the increased use of cloud-based systems, offering greater accessibility and storage capabilities. Concerns remain around issues such as coding and the use of modifiers, which suggests a growing inclination toward more user-friendly solutions and enhanced data management tools.

The Meaningful Use criteria and incentive program are also expected to influence these trends.

Additionally, there's a deepening recognition of the benefits of transitioning from paper records to EHRs, including improved patient care and efficiency.

Currently, the application of EHRs is expanding beyond primary care exam rooms to other areas, such as insurance companies and nursing homes, indicating a broader, more integrated approach to health record management.

Key Takeaways

Let’s do a quick recap of the learnings here.

We want to make sure you don’t forget anything.

  • The increasing trend towards digitalization in healthcare is driving the adoption of EHRs in family medicine.
  • EHRs are valuable in family medicine for the exchange of comprehensive patient data, insights into hereditary conditions, and enhancing care quality.
  • The repeal of the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) and payment incentives emphasize the importance of responsive EHRs in patient care, especially for older adults.
  • Integration of AI and machine learning in EHRs enables personalized care and more accurate diagnostics.
  • EHRs and EMRs (electronic medical records) differ in scope, with EHRs offering a broader perspective of a patient's care.
  • EHRs are more suitable for family practices due to their comprehensive nature and interoperability.
  • The top 5 family practice EHRs for  (based on Software Finder’s expert criteria) are NextGen EHR, AthenaHealth EMR, DrChrono EHR, NueMD EMR, and Practice Fusion EMR (in order of scoring priority).
  • Each recommended EHR has its strengths and limitations, making them suitable for different family practice needs.

And that’s a wrap!