SparkLearn enables accessible learning on the go for distributed workforces. Its mobile-optimized platform delivers personalized training to remote employees anytime, offering tailored recommendations and guided learning paths. While access to advanced tools requires separate subscriptions, SparkLearn's engaging materials and insightful analytics boost learning results for many organizations.

SparkLearn Specifications

Activity Dashboard

Asynchronous Learning

Activity Tracking

Access Controls/Permissions

View All Specifications

What Is SparkLearn?


SparkLearn is a cloud-based mobile learning platform that provides digital learning solutions for remote, mobile, and deskless workers. It offers organizations an intuitive way to deliver centralized training content and engage users. This solution addresses the challenges of optimizing communication and training for distributed workforces. SparkLearn helps companies boost learning engagement, generate insights using analytics, and create personalized digital experiences to retain information more effectively.

What Is SparkLearn Best For?

The software is renowned for its ‘Adaptive Learning’ and ‘Content Recommendations’ features. It provides a personalized learning experience for each user. The system intelligently analyzes a learner’s performance and creates tailored recommendations based on their needs, interests, and previous activities. This adaptive approach ensures that learners are not just consuming content but are engaged in a learning journey designed explicitly for them.

SparkLearn Pricing

The LMS offers a tiered pricing model with three different subscription plans to suit organizations of varying sizes and needs:

  • Essential – Starting at $150/month for up to 250 learners
  • Premium – Starting at $250/month for up to 1000 learners
  • Enterprise – Pricing available upon request for unlimited learners
Get a custom quote on SparkLearn pricing.

Disclaimer: The pricing is subject to change.

SparkLearn Integrations

The software integrates with the following third-party applications:

How Does SparkLearn Work?

This is a guide on how to navigate through the dashboard after you have logged in:

  • Click on ‘Content’ in the main navigation menu to access and manage your organization's learning materials
  • Browse existing content folders and categories or upload new training documents, videos, audio files, etc., using the upload feature
  • Organize content using tags and topics to easily classify, search, and recommend related materials to the established training team
  • Click on ‘Users’ to view learner profiles and assign content access permissions
  • Go to the content folder to preview how it will appear on the mobile app
  • Click on ‘Publish’ to make the content live for your internal learner community
  • Go to ‘Analytics’ to monitor learner engagement and progress, content usage insights, quiz scores, etc.
  • Use the feedback and comments section to improve existing content based on user inputs
Book a free SparkLearn demo to gain a deeper understanding of its features.

Who Is SparkLearn For?

SparkLearn is suitable for organizations of all sizes across multiple industries and sectors, including:

  • Restaurants
  • Automotive
  • Manufacturing
  • Agriculture
  • Pharmaceuticals

Is SparkLearn Right For You?

As distributed work models become more prevalent, isn't it crucial for organizational success to provide accessible learning opportunities for offsite employees? SparkLearn empowers businesses to promote digital learning differently through a secure and scalable mobile-first platform. Winner of multiple awards for its innovative learning technologies, the platform guarantees data security and regulatory compliance with bank-level certificates, robust authentication protocols, and optional single sign-on integrations. Trusted by top brands such as Elite Community Outreach, Milwaukee Tool, and King's Seafood, it revolutionizes organizational training capabilities. Enhanced with features like offline usage, augmented reality, social features, and xAPI analytics, it provides a comprehensive solution to meet the evolving needs of modern learning environments.

We're here to provide guidance if you're still uncertain whether SparkLearn is the best fit for your requirements. Contact us at (661) 384-7070, and we'll help you make a well-considered decision.

SparkLearn Features

The platform provides a user-friendly What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editor and tools to create different types of content directly within the system. Users can design engaging learning materials using content-authoring tools, incorporating augmented reality modules, interactive activities, tip cards, and more.

how it worksSee How It Works

SparkLearn provides learners powerful tools for goal setting and annotation, enabling them to take ownership of their learning journey. These self-regulated learning tools empower users to progress at their own pace while highlighting key points and personalizing their experience.

how it worksSee How It Works

The system leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to automatically produce supplemental content such as images and quizzes, helping create engaging materials. These generative AI tools save time when developing interactive elements for online courses.

how it worksSee How It Works

Digital badges and certificates are awarded throughout the learning process to motivate learners. Gamification elements like customizable badges and certificates recognize and incentivize users for their accomplishments and progress.

how it worksSee How It Works

It offers users checklists and search functions with on-task support. These performance support tools allow the learning audience to track their workflow progress and efficiently find relevant information to complete their work, enhancing learning and efficiency on the job.

how it worksSee How It Works

Pros and Cons of SparkLearn


  • Easy access to information and training content
  • Mobile-first design for remote learners
  • Adaptive learning capabilities
  • Engaging content features like videos, quizzes


  • A slight learning curve for some advanced features
  • No free version is available

SparkLearn Pricing


For up to 250 Learners


View Price

What's Included

  • For small businesses

  • Core Learning Experience Feature

  • Free for 30 Days

  • Analytics Dashboards

  • Unlimited Storage and Content

  • Mobile App


For up to 1000 Learners


View Price

What's Included

  • For mid-sized companies

  • All essential features, plus:

  • Certificates, Badges, and Achievements

  • LRS Access Included

  • Offline Content Caching and Access

  • Podcasts


For Unlimited Learners


View Price

What's Included

  • For large global enterprises

  • All premium features, plus:

  • Dedicated Account Manager

  • Whitelabel Custom App

  • Augmented Reality

  • User Generated Content

SparkLearn Reviews

Overall Rating


2 Review(s)

Rating Distribution













April 2024

Mosaic Massage



Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





The ease of use, image gallery, customer support, and the SparkLearn Team make this platform stand out!


There is really nothing negative. It was probably my misunderstanding, but you can't add tests to journeys, only to courses. However, it was easy to convert all my journeys into courses, so it wasn't an issue.

April 2024



Non-Profit Organization Management

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





The simplicity and ease of use are top-notch. The SparkLearn support team is always available and responds quickly.


Assignments must be assigned to groups, and there's no option for individual assignments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, the software offers an API.