12d Synergy Software Specifications


Project Scheduling

Project Tracking

Document Management

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About 12d Construction Management Software

A cloud-based solution called 12d Synergy is intended to assist engineers, architects, and construction industry professionals in automating project collaboration and document management processes. Contact management, version control, access restrictions/permissions, document storage, and task management are important features.

Users' mailboxes can be used by teams using 12d Synergy to extract project data and store it in a centralized database. The platform's email tracking features let businesses find project information, contact information, and media attachments that are embedded in emails. Additionally, staff members can arrange documents using batch processes, specialized searching capabilities, and custom naming rules.

With the help of 12d Synergy's adaptable job templates, businesses can change workflows, tasks, and more, assisting in the automation of the job creation process. Teams can import, edit, and detect layout attributes using the Layout Editor to manage CAD drawings and DWG files. The product offers documentation, phone, and email support.

12d Synergy Software Features

Document management

Convert your trust-based, error-prone document management system to a centralized, dependable system designed specifically to meet the needs of busy AEC offices.

  • Centralize your data and documents so that everyone on staff can access them instantly from anywhere.
  • With a single source of truth and complete version control, streamline collaboration and work on the most recent version at all times.
  • Make sure all documents are properly titled and filed using naming conventions that can be customized to make batch processing and searching easier.
  • Maintain your document transfer register automatically, providing you with up-to-date details on what was sent, who received it, and what version the files were.
  • With customizable job templates that include tasks, workflows, naming conventions, and other features, you can automate the creation of jobs.

CAD Management

New technology is revolutionizing how drafters and civil designers handle CAD by automating cumbersome lisp routines and streamlining time-consuming spreadsheet workflows. You can: with 12d Synergy;

  • Reduce update time by 90% by automatically updating changes to title block data in your drawings without entering any DWG files.
  • Without destroying Xref links, rename or move DWGs as 12d Synergy recognizes the connection between your drawings intuitively. No more Xref rebinds, then!
  • Excel spreadsheets can simplify CAD management by allowing you to update a group of DWG files at once without having to open any drawings.
  • Manage your sheet sets using a check-in check-out system. Sheet sets are instantly revised when changes are made, ensuring that everyone is working from the most recent version of the sheet set at all times.

Email Management

With the straightforward filing, management, and retrieval, you can turn your email clutter into trustworthy documentation. Convert the jumble of emails you have into a reliable audit trail of all correspondence for all of your projects. This benefits you financially and time-wise, improves project collaboration, and shields you from legal action.

  • Reduce the amount of time spent manually managing email because all incoming and outgoing emails are instantly saved in the project folder and are marked with the job number.
  • Utilize a Single Source of Truth for all of your emails to unlock project data from user mailboxes, allowing for quick and simple access as well as backup.
  • Granular searching and intuitive email tracking that links the email, contact information, and attachments make it simple to locate project information that is embedded in emails.
  • By securely deleting messages after posting them to 12d Synergy, you can free up space on your hard drive and speed up the performance of your Outlook by clearing out your overflowing inbox.

12d Synergy Pricing

12d synergy cost has not been shared by the vendor publicly. To know 12d synergy pricing plans, you can schedule a 12d Synergy demo. During the 12d synergy software demo, you can check out 12d synergy construction software features in-depth!

Final Thoughts!

Your one-stop shop for managing the gigabytes of geospatial & CAD data, thousands of emails, documents, tasks, and other built environment project-related data is 12d Synergy. It all comes down to streamlining communication and collaboration between departments by establishing a shared data environment and a single source of truth. To know more about the software, you can check out 12d Synergy reviews. You can also schedule a 12d synergy software demo or contact our support team at (661) 384-7070.

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