WorkOtter software is a project portfolio and resource management solution that offers a simple, flexible, and scalable way to manage your projects, resources, portfolios, reports, and dashboards. Explore seamless collaboration and achieve your goals and objectives with this organized platform. Get started today!

WorkOtter Software Specifications

Time Tracking 

Task Management 


Budget Management

View All Specifications

What Is WorkOtter Software?


WorkOtter is a cloud-based project management and team collaboration software. It provides tools to help organizations manage projects, resources, tasks, and facilitates communication and collaboration between team members. The software allows teams to streamline day-to-day operation and improve efficiency using a centralized interface. 

What Is WorkOtter Software Best For?

The software is designed to be highly flexible and customizable, allowing users to tailor it to meet their needs and workflows. This makes it an ideal choice for a wide range of industries and project management needs.

WorkOtter Software Pricing

The vendor offers the following pricing plans:

  • Requestor - $0/month
  • Member License - $10/month
  • Team License - $20/month
  • Manager License - $35/month
The pricing of the software varies based on the size, type, and requirements of your organization. Request a custom WorkOtter cost today!

Disclaimer: The pricing is subject to change.

WorkOtter Software Integrations

The software integrates with various third-party applications, including:

How Does WorkOtter Software Work?

Here is how you can get started with the software:

  • Log in to your WorkOtter account using your credentials
  • Customize your dashboard to show the information that is most important to you, such as your projects, tasks, and resources
  • Create projects by entering the project name, a brief description, and the start and end dates
  • Assign tasks to team members by selecting them from the list
  • Track your progress through a variety of ways, such as tracking your progress, such as Gantt charts, Kanban boards, and timesheets
  • Generate reports to track your team's performance, such as task status reports, resource utilization reports, and project budget reports
Watch a free WorkOtter demo and learn more about its functionalities.

Who Is WorkOtter Software For?

WorkOtter software is used by businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises. It is used across a wide variety of industries and sectors, including

  • IT
  • Engineering
  • Manufacturing
  • Healthcare
  • Education

Is WorkOtter Software Right For You?

Are you seeking a comprehensive, cloud-based project management solution offering real-time collaboration and efficient resource management? If so, WorkOtter might be the perfect fit for you.

The software is designed with security and scalability in mind, offering robust security measures to safeguard your data and the flexibility to expand and meet your organization's growth. Whether you’re a small team or a large enterprise, WorkOtter can adapt to your needs.

One of the key challenges that WorkOtter addresses is the complexity of project management. Its intuitive interface and powerful features, like Gantt charts and Kanban boards, simplify project planning and tracking.

Analyzing the pros and cons of WorkOtter can help you decide if it is the right resource management software for your needs. For more information, read WorkOtter software reviews or contact us at (661) 384 7070, and we will help you make the best decision.

WorkOtter Software Features

WorkOtter's resource management tools enable users to optimize their resource allocation and utilization by using capacity planning tools. Users can see the availability and workload of their resources across projects and programs. They can also move assignments from over-utilized to under-utilized resources to balance the load. Overall, this feature helps organizations manage their resources wisely and productively.

how it worksSee How It Works

The WorkOtter resource and portfolio management software allows users to generate and customize reports and dashboards to visualize their data and insights. Users can utilize data animations, interactive data sheets, charts, graphs, tables, etc. to display their information clearly and engagingly. Teams can also share their reports and dashboards with others via email or web links. This feature helps them communicate and collaborate with their stakeholders effectively.

how it worksSee How It Works

This feature enables individuals to collaborate with their teams, vendors, and clients through various channels. Users can share files, comments, feedback, approvals, and notifications within the software. They can also use email integration to send and receive messages and attachments. Moreover, the Slack integration further streamlines communication and task updates, fostering enhanced teamwork and improved customer service.

how it worksSee How It Works

The software allows users to create and manage their projects using Gantt charts, which are graphical representations of the project schedule. It offers features to create tasks, milestones, dependencies, and deadlines on the Gantt chart. Users can also adjust each task's duration, start date, end date, and progress. Overall, the Gantt chart feature helps users to plan and execute their projects efficiently and effectively.

how it worksSee How It Works

WorkOtter software helps users group their projects into programs or portfolios to align them with their strategic goals and objectives. Users can create roadmaps and what-if scenarios to compare options and outcomes. They can also monitor the performance and health of their portfolios using metrics such as ROI, NPV, IRR, payback period, etc.

how it worksSee How It Works

Pros and Cons of WorkOtter Software


  • Cloud-based resource management system
  • Efficient Gantt chart feature for improved project visibility
  • User-friendly interface for easy navigation
  • Simple, flexible, and scalable solution for efficient project management


  • Occasional need for software updates
  • Initial steep learning curve, according to a WorkOtter review
  • Support team can be slow to respond

WorkOtter Software Pricing



View Price

What's Included

  • (Requestor features)

  • Enter Service Requests

  • Receive Reports by

  • Receive Reports by Email

  • Names in System (Resource Forecasting, Assignees)

  • Executive Sponsors (non-login)

Member License


View Price

What's Included

  • (Member Licence features)

  • Timesheets

  • Adjust Estimate To Complete

  • Create Notes for PM and Team Members

  • View only

  • JIRA Sync

  • Approvals

Team License


View Price

What's Included

  • (Member License features, plus)

  • My Home Dashboards

  • Support Log Updates

  • Issue Updates

  • Changes

  • Timesheet

  • Risks

  • Reporting

  • E-Mail Updates

  • Chat & Collaboration

Manager License


View Price

What's Included

  • (Team License features, plus)

  • Project Management

  • Microsoft Project 2-Way Sync

  • JIRA 2-Way Sync

  • Dashboard Reporting

  • Resource Management

  • Portfolio Management

  • Workflow Management

  • Estimating and Templates

  • Financials

WorkOtter Software Reviews

Overall Rating


14 Reviews

Rating Distribution














February 2023

WorkOtter was the right choice for our company.

Amy T.

Financial Services

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





As a project manager, Im relieved to have a visual component to my work thanks to WorkOtter. I can communicate with my team more effectively using WorkOtters dashboards. It is easy to keep the staff focused since they have access to the information to keep themselves organized. WorkOtter is also good at resource management. Additionally, I can start a project in MS Project where Im more comfortable and then export to WorkOtter to enjoy utilizing its features, which is just perfect!


The software’s integration with MS Project is impeccable and I won’t change a thing about it. What it needs is to be a bit more adaptable when it comes to other third-party software in the market. The integration with more external apps will make it more robust and reliable. Other than that, the application lacks a timer feature to allocate slots to a certain task, which could make time tracking more efficient. They should add some more languages to make it more accessible.

February 2023

Very easy to learn and comes with useful Gantt charts.

Andrey L.

Translation and Localization

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





The best thing about WorkOtter is that it’s laid out in a very simple, intuitive way such that any new junior executive or project coordinator that joins our company can start using the software from the get-go. Any new updates that they push almost never interfere with our work and we always get back up to speed quickly. There’s no extensive training required, unlike other systems. WorkOtter lets me keep everything under control, make reports, update status, check modifications, and more. As a project manager, I love the Gantt charts this software provides.


The user interface is dynamic and customizable; there’s no doubt about it. It is better than most other competitors but I do have some suggestions.

January 2023

It has simplified project management for us.

Nick C.

Hospital & Health Care

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





A customizable dashboard for individual users is the favorite feature of our management team. WorkOtter makes teamwork quite simple and enables us to make continuous adjustments as we develop our projects.. We have actually automated a lot of tasks that we had previously assigned to a third party, which has decreased our costs and increased inter-departmental collaborations. It was easy to convince our team to adopt WorkOtter because of its convenient email-update feature. We have also been able to keep preferred tools with us since the software interfaces with a variety of third-party programs and web apps through their APIs.


It runs smoothly most of the time, but it would be a stretch to say that it doesn’t have any problems at all. It’s not free from the usual delays of online software, and the connection drops every once in a while.

January 2023

Detailed dashboard for easier project management.

Ilya P.

Computer Software

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





WorkOtter has the most detailed dashboard I have ever seen. Reports are excellent and it’s great that I can modify them on the go. It truly enables smarter decisions with a wide range of analytical tools available at hand. Coming back to the dashboard, it is incredibly easy to customize every detail according to my liking. I can also create my own dashboard but haven’t felt the need to do so yet. Since it provides efficient progress tracking of individual team members, we have followed our schedule consistently. The system also features useful integrations with other applications like JIRA, Excel, and Microsoft Project, which has been particularly helpful.


It provides an almost complete solution but it is difficult to point out its few shortcomings. We have a multicultural and diverse team, so it would have been an advantage if they had the option to choose their own language for the interface. Although this is not an issue, since we all are accustomed to English (the only language they offer currently) as our work language, it is still something they should work on. Also, there’s only one currency available to use, so this area could also use some improvement.

January 2023

Glad I made the right choice at the right time.

Kristina H.

Environmental Services

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





There is a lot that I like about this software but if I had to pick one, it would definitely be how well it works with Microsoft Excel. We are just starting our business (you would’ve guessed by the number of employees already) so up until this point, all our work was being done on free apps or Microsoft solutions to keep track of our reports, scheduling, stats etc. WorkOtter has made our transition so smooth and my staff has been enjoying using the software and discovering new helpful features every now and then. The images can be made interactive, which is amazing for figuring out how efficient money flow is and whether there is any growth or not.


The software is definitely aimed at experienced project management professionals. Beginners might have to undergo rigorous training first. This was not an issue with my team since all were accustomed to at least some sort of project management software like Microsoft Projects. If they could add an option to customize the themes it would be great since we could unify our layout and make it more appealing. So far, the software has met our expectations and all these aren’t really complaints, just suggestions/recommendations.

November 2022

Everyone loves WorkOtter!


Health, Wellness and Fitness

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





I have instructed my managers to train our entire staff so they can utilize WorkOtter as their primary project management software. I must say, the results have been amazing so far. Everyone in the company loves WorkOtter! It is excellent at planning and resourcing and all our projects have benefited from it greatly. We use it to brainstorm potential future ideas and rearranging activities as necessary. What I like the most is its ability to modify the dashboard to every individual’s liking, which has helped me keep a separate (a bit more complex) one for myself and an easier one for the team.


I find it difficult to find flaws in WorkOtter. However, just as a single software is not entirely perfect, WorkOtter is no exception. It generally accomplishes the tasks expected by a project management software very well. But there are differences in the web version and the mobile version, as some functions of the software are exclusive to the desktop and are not included in the mobile apps. This is not that much of an issue since the mobile app is quick and helpful enough to be used for other tasks. Lastly, I would love it if they added more options for theme customizations.

November 2022

Great for project management.

Paul K.


Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





WorkOtter has been great so far. It has opened up ways to analyze our data, I had never imagined before. I have been able to pinpoint which areas need more resources or if a withdrawal is required. I can also see the productivity of various departmental projects inside the company using its helpful forecasts, without having to put an extra effort. It also enables me to monitor workload and relieve the overworked team members which has helped me deliver consistent results to higher management.


If youre not tech-savvy or dont wanna put in extra effort, then this software is going to be too much for you. In my case, I found the initial impressions of WorkOtter to be a little intimidating.

October 2022

Exactly what we were looking for!

Jason S.

Marketing and Advertising

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





The fact that this software is so popular and there are a lot of support forums online was the main selling point for me. I appreciate being able to Google a problem and get a quick fix rather than initiate a formal process of approaching customer support. The customer support is responsive, so no blame there; it’s just the way I like to work. It has stunning, user-friendly dashboards, and it is really intuitive. Developers love for visual data representation can be seen everywhere, which I personally like. The UI is consistent in both data and reports. Its a very useful piece of software for comparing actual hours worked.


There’s definitely a learning curve that you have to face in order to fully reap the benefits. But the way it lets you interact with the elements is amazing. Imagine graphs that you can manipulate by simply dragging and dropping items to populate them and make interesting comparisons. I hope they will integrate such a degree of flexibility in upcoming updates.

October 2022

Solid integration with third party apps makes it very reliable.


Marketing and Advertising

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





I have seen how well my team has started to perform over the years with WorkOtter. Its amazing to see the impact of a good project management software on your efficiency. They have an amazing team which helped us set-up the software completely and train the employees all in just under a month. We can sync with many different systems, including JIRA and even excel sheets, thanks to open APIs. All of my clients appreciate the efficient communication I have with them, as they can directly access the data of our mutual projects. Another great feature of the software is the ability to use it on the go via remote login.


They have an amazing onboarding process and theres no doubt about it. It was just a lot more time-taking than we thought. Their team, visiting and staying every day for a month, was an added cost we werent prepared for. It was a necessary investment though, since the software is absolutely worth the price and effort. And especially when you consider the ongoing economic decline, I would go so far as to label it as a "bargain". We love using the software and theres no real problems as far as my workflow is concerned.

October 2022

WorkOtter gives you complete control over your projects.

Kate G.


Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





We specialize in construction and commissioning of medical laboratories so, finding a suitable project management software was difficult for us. While WorkOtter is not specifically made for our business, it is the closest thing to what we needed. It has a very responsive design and the most user-friendly PM software interface Ive ever seen. I can have complete control which allows me to fine-tune every aspect of a project. Hence, it is easier to finish more projects on schedule and under budget. We have a dedicated IT team, so setting up the software was a breeze and users’ onboarding was very smooth as well.


Theres no real improvement that comes to my mind, at least features-wise. The software works perfectly and accomplishes a lot while staying within our expense limits. The only area for improvement I can think of, is in terms of looks, but this isnt what the software is meant for. It would just feel a whole lot better if it received a UI refresh to match the OS, for example. And the way WorkOtter works, if they decide to make this change, it will be swift and timely.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, WorkOtter software offers an API.