Explore Zenhub, a streamlined project management tool tailored for the specific needs of software development teams. Its intuitive GitHub integration simplifies collaboration, task management, and the overall software development process. Discover Zenhub's agile approach to project management.

Zenhub Specifications

Time Tracking

Task Management


Budget Management

View All Specifications

What Is Zenhub?


Zenhub software stands out for its unique capability as the sole project management tool seamlessly integrated with GitHub's interface. This exclusive integration empowers developers to efficiently oversee projects directly within their GitHub repositories, streamlining the entire software development process.

Zenhub Pricing

The vendor offers a 14-day free trial version and two other Zenhub pricing packages:
  • For teams - $8.33/user/month
  • For enterprise - Custom (cloud and on-premise options available)

Disclaimer: The pricing is subject to change.

Zenhub Integrations

For better workflow automation, Zenhub integrates with the following third-party applications:

Developers can also build custom integrations.

How Does Zenhub Work?

Here's how project managers and other users can navigate the dashboard and use Zenhub project management:

  • Log in using your GitHub credentials, eliminating the need for separate logins
  • Choose the GitHub repository for which you want to manage projects and tasks and create a new Zenhub workspace for it
  • Configure your workspace by creating a Kanban-style task board with customizable columns to represent your project's workflow
  • Import existing GitHub issues into your task board or create new ones directly within Zenhub
  • Drag and drop issues within and between columns to prioritize tasks and visualize your project's progress
  • Use Zenhub's multi-repo support to manage tasks across multiple repositories in a single workspace
  • With the release planning feature, create milestones, set deadlines, and manage progress toward project goals
  • Utilize Zenhub's reporting and analytics capabilities, such as burndown charts, velocity reports, and cumulative flow diagrams, to gain insights into team performance
  • Leverage Zenhub's collaboration features to facilitate communication across the project teams
Watch a Zenhub demo to learn more.

Who Is Zenhub For?

Zenhub software is designed to cater to several businesses, particularly software-led startups and scaleups with agile software development teams. From small startups to large enterprises, the software's flexibility and scalability make it an ideal solution for organizations looking to streamline their development processes and improve team collaboration.

The project management platform is well-suited for various industries and sectors, such as:

  • Technology
  • Automotive
  • Ecommerce
  • Advertising

Is Zenhub Right For You?

Optimize your software development workflows with Zenhub, designed to streamline processes, foster team collaboration, and boost efficiency within the GitHub ecosystem. Ideal for organizations practicing Agile methodologies, Zenhub provides robust tools for task management, work prioritization, and real-time goal tracking.

Explore Zenhub reviews to gain insights from current users and discover the tangible benefits of this software. For additional support, contact us at (661) 384-7070, and our dedicated customer support team will guide you towards the best decision for your needs.

Zenhub Features

Zenhub seamlessly integrates with GitHub, empowering teams to manage projects directly within their GitHub repositories. This integration streamlines workflows, eliminating the need to switch between tools and allowing developers to operate in an environment that maximizes overall efficiency, fostering better agile processes.

how it worksSee How It Works

Create Kanban-style task boards to visualize project workflows, prioritize tasks, and track dependencies and progress. This tool enhances productivity, ensuring teams focus on the most critical tasks.

how it worksSee How It Works

Zenhub facilitates task management across multiple GitHub repositories within a single workspace, simplifying project management for complex projects.

how it worksSee How It Works

Teams can estimate effort and track time spent on tasks, gaining valuable insights into team performance, and identifying areas for improvement. This contributes to more efficient project execution.

how it worksSee How It Works

Zenhub provides robust reporting tools, including burndown charts, velocity tracking, release reports, and cumulative flow diagrams. Real-time insights into team productivity, project progression, and potential bottlenecks enable data-driven decision-making and continuous process improvement.

how it worksSee How It Works

Facilitate seamless communication among team members with features like file sharing, discussions, and notifications. This fosters a collaborative environment, ensuring everyone stays up-to-date on project developments and reduces the likelihood of miscommunication or delays.

how it worksSee How It Works

Create and execute sprints using Agile methodologies. With a comprehensive set of tools for organizing tasks, prioritizing work, and estimating effort, Zenhub enables teams to plan automated sprints aligned with project goals and timelines.

how it worksSee How It Works

Pros and Cons of Zenhub


  • Built-in Agile tools, like planning poker and roadmaps
  • Helps track progress with GitHub milestones
  • Free trial version; ideal for open-source project leaders and academic course instructors
  • Provides a Chrome extension


  • Does not offer a native desktop app
  • Initial setup may take time, according to Zenhub reviews

Zenhub Pricing

14-Day Free Trial


View Price

What's Included

  • 1 company organization

  • Unlimited Users

  • Unlimited Team Workspaces

  • Priority support

For Teams


View Price

What's Included

  • 1 company organization

  • Up to 50 users

  • Cloud-hosted

  • Access to all Zenhub’s features and functionalities

  • 10 Team Workspaces

  • 10 connected teams

  • Email support

For Enterprise


View Price

What's Included

  • Choose from cloud or on-premise

  • Unlimited Team Workspaces

  • Unlimited connected teams

  • Invoiced billing

  • 30-day trial

  • Access to all Zenhub’s features and functionalities

  • Unlimited users

  • Unlimited connected repositories

  • Slack channel with Zenhub team

  • Priority support

Zenhub Reviews

Overall Rating


30 Reviews

Rating Distribution















February 2023

Best Task management tool avl in the market


Not Specified

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





I find task management, multiple projects, status tracking and boards for monitoring mostly good with this software.


For real I have have no complaints about ZenHub. It truly excels in every aspect.

July 2022

A rich layer ontop of GitHub issues


Computer Software

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





The integration with GitHub is fantastic. Kanban works exceptionally well and both Epics and Stories are highly developed features. It fulfills all my expectations for a tool to manage tickets in an agile manner.


Occasionally, the UI falls shorts in fulfilling the expectations. It is not as ideal as I used to think. For instance you might mistakenly click out of a sidebar/modal thinking your changes were saved when they weren't. but once you get accustomed to it, it is not a major issue. although it reappears during estimation sessions.

June 2022

Integrate ZenHub With GitHub Now


Health, Wellness and Fitness

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





The seamless integration with GitHub makes this product an obvious choice for our team!


The product can be a bit slow but it might be due to the size of our boards.

June 2022

ZenHub: the successful GitHub Project Management Plugin


Computer & Network Security

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





The project scheduling and management features are advanced and sometimes surpass leading project management software on the market. It is compatible with GitHub making it ideal for software projects. The enterprise version offers a comprehensive set of collaborative tools for developers, complementing those available in GitHub. Tasks can be created and managed flexibly with an intuitive GUI interaction. As the missing piece in GitHub's project management, ZenHub is the perfect synergy for collaborative project management in large-scale software projects. Tracking software issues and bugs is also greatly facilitated. However, we still rely on GitHub for these management tasks.


The pricing is a bit high for large scale projects. A more flexible licensing strategy would be more appealing. There are some occasional GUI bugs but the developers are very responsive to bug reports.

January 2022

You CANT trust this software


Computer Software

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





It is appealing as a superior dashboard for GitHub.


I invested hours setting up our PM system on ZenHub. However a week after the setup, just days before a important release, the records mysteriously vanished bringing our PM system to a halt. I reached out to the ZenHub team and they were slow to respond. It became apparent that ZenHub is operated by a small team that isn't very well prepared to provide a reliable experience that individuals and companies can rely on. It is been 48 hours and my records are still missing... the ZenHub team seems unable or unwilling to prioritize our issue. We had to postpone our release and I will spend this weekend migrating our PM process to another system.

September 2021

Easiest to use for scrum/kanban


Information Technology and Services

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





ZenHub has been a powerhouse in my project management arsenal. The simplicity and available integrations are amazing. It is easy to understand and integrates seamlessly with the team. I can have multiple boards and synchronize tickets across them based on predefined rules. Whenever I take on a new project, this is my go to option. I can set up feature tickets or bug tickets from the support board to automatically flow into the development boards and sync with the product roadmap board. The programmability is incredible, and it generates perfect reports as needed. Its simplicity and ease of use make it my top choice.


I have nothing but good things to say about ZenHub.

May 2021

Powerful project management and status tracking for development and product teams


Computer Software

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





The kanban board provides invaluable insights into our development teams activities. Tracking the status in this manner is truly helpful as it allows me to know when to engage in the process, whether during the estimation phase or the QA phase. As a product designer I can keep track of where GitHub issues stand, easily provide feedback during the quality assurance process and answer design-related questions for the development team. My favorite feature is the integration with GitHub which adds an extremely helpful layer for project management and estimation.


I genuinely have nothing bad to say about it. It perfectly meets our project management needs.

September 2020

Awesome option to collaborate


Information Technology and Services

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





This collaboration tool is effortless to integrate using Chrome and the user interface is uncomplicated.


It would be great to have more customization options for stories or cards as well as additional security features.

April 2020

Great product that is central to our engineering workflow


Information Technology and Services

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





We rely on ZenHub to prioritize and track progress on GitHub issues. It plays a key role in our engineering workflow. Our engineers and product manager use it daily to prioritize tasks. The product team uses ZenHub to communicate progress on different projects to the rest of the team.


I don't have anything bad to say for this product. It is very simple and user friendly. The team must have put in a lot of effort to make it this simple and user-friendly.

April 2020

Take GitHub Issue management to the Next Level!


Information Technology and Services

Ease of use


Value for money


Customer Support





ZenHubs clean and simple user interface makes issues more understandable and fun. We can find everything we need in one place, all while maintaining ease. With the latest update ZenHub has made issues load even faster than before. Since we started using ZenHub we never leave it for issues and PRs. You can create a workspace and combine all your repositories into a single workspace, managing all issues and milestones from one place.


Currently, the only feature we are missing is the ability to see the commit hash when an issue is closed via Git push.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, API access is available.