Pulmonology EHR Software

We have recommendations for a wide range of software to increase productivity!

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Popular Pulmonology EHR Software



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NextGen EHR Software

NextGen EHR Software

751 Reviews

AdvancedMD EHR

AdvancedMD EHR

308 Reviews



300 Reviews

DrChrono EHR Software

DrChrono EHR Software

206 Reviews


Kareo EMR

195 Reviews

Cerner Ambulatory EHR

Cerner EMR

141 Reviews

Praxis EMR Software

Praxis EMR Software

136 Reviews

Azalea Health EHR Software

Azalea Health EHR Software

123 Reviews

PrognoCIS EMR Software

PrognoCIS EMR Software

104 Reviews

Amazing Charts EMR Software

Amazing Charts EMR Software

94 Reviews

Clinicient Insight EMR

Clinicient Insight EMR

86 Reviews

Meditech EHR Software

Meditech EHR Software

79 Reviews

ChartLogic EHR Software

ChartLogic EHR Software

77 Reviews



75 Reviews


Genensys Software

73 Reviews

Greenway Health Intergy EHR Software

Greenway Health Intergy EHR Software

72 Reviews


Centricity EMR

56 Reviews

CompuGroup Medical (CGM) EMR Software

CompuGroup Medical (CGM) EMR Software

50 Reviews


CareCloud EHR Software

43 Reviews

OneTouch EMR Software

OneTouch EMR Software

43 Reviews



40 Reviews


TotalMD EHR Software

36 Reviews

Healthland Centriq

Healthland Centriq

30 Reviews

Compulink Healthcare EHR System

Compulink Healthcare EHR System

30 Reviews

AllMeds EHR Software

AllMeds EHR Software

29 Reviews

Pulmonology EHR Software Buyers Guide

You’re a saving grace in your patients’ lives helping them with the very act of breathing—something most people take for granted. But you also deserve to breathe a little easier each day thanks to fewer stress factors.

Your saving grace: Technology in the form of EHR software. But this solution only really works if your get the RIGHT software. The market is filled with options, making it difficult to identify the right ones.

We’re here to help. Simply vet upcoming products according to these guidelines and learn how to ask vendors the right questions.

You’ll be amazed at how much easier it will be to run your practice.

Ask General Questions

You’ll find basic characteristics in all EHR products. If you have some of these features in place you’re already on your way to running a more effective office and having more time & energy for your patients.

How Does it Work?

You need to discuss the technical aspects with the vendor such as where the data will be hosted. These days many people opt for cloud based systems that are more accessible—a terrific plus if you want to access patient files from different locations.

Your practice already has many tech features such as computers, machines and software. Make sure the new program is compatible with everything you use.

Once it’s active on your infrastructure you want a quick implementation phase. Intuitive layouts and menus—ones you and your staff can easily understand—are essential. Ask for demos so you can gauge their value before you purchase one.

How Secure is It?

Cloud systems are also secure, so don’t be afraid to trust modern technology. Still, discuss encryption and firewalls with a service provider. There must be as little chance as possible that your patients’ personal details will end up being held ransom by hackers.

What Services Do You Get?

No matter how well designed your program is, there’s bound to be a glitch or two. You need to know if your service provider will have technicians available 24/7 and what they’ll do to keep downtime to a minimum.

Also make sure it comes with the modules you need to improve performance in terms of patient care and managing your finances. A billing system with the correct ICD-10 codes already loaded will cut down on the time spent on claim submission.

But these features aren’t enough. A general EHR with these features will still waste your time on unnecessary clicks and tasks, limiting your return on investment.

With a customized product your results will be better.

Practice Fusion

Ask Questions About Your Specialty

Luckily software developers understand the needs of different healthcare niches. They sit down with experts in the various fields to gauge preference. Now you’ll find programs that offer features that are extremely relevant for pulmonologist to get daily tasks done in the quickest way.

How Does it Improve Your Workflow?

The characteristic of a quality EHR that’s worth spending money on is that the workflow is designed for your niche. This includes:

- Specialty specific templates which minimize the number of mouse clicks and typing you have to do each day. This is thanks to relevant menus, tick boxes and more relating to relevant conditions such as asthma, emphysema, sleep apnea etc.

- Allowing voice notes to be added to patient files if you’re often on the go with no time to write.

- You assist patients over long periods of time so the EHR must help you track their progress.

With a shift from manual tasks to automated ones you start saving valuable hours each week. As some pulmonologists use 10 hours or more each week simply to keep administration up to date, this becomes a worthwhile investment.

Will it Adapt to Your Preferences?

Not all patients are the same. You need your software to cater (provide the features above) for two scenarios:

  • Condition-based treatment
  • Symptom-based treatment

It must be easy to switch between the two in terms of templates and layouts.

Does it Help You Plan?

No matter which of the above scenarios you’re tending to, pulmonology requires well thought out plans. A quality EHR will:

  • Contain software that will suggest treatment options
  • Alert you when the medication you prescribe could cause side effects; This is done thanks to comparing details in patient files with other data
  • The workflows and seeing a patient’s entire case at a glance help you make more informed decisions

Because of the nature of the conditions you treat—often leading to life or death situations—it’s worth investing in software that will alert you of possible problems. One example is alerts based on trends associated with well researched conditions; Make a decision before the patient takes a turn for the worst. This is how technology can make doctors more pro-active.

Can You ePrescribe?

Medication is part of the hope you offer patients, but prescriptions come with risks:

  • Mislaid paperwork
  • Time wasted on writing repeat scripts or getting phone calls to remind you about writing them
  • Fraud

ePrescriptions allow you to send the paperwork directly to a pharmacy electronically. A high end software product will even remind you when it’s time to write someone’s repeat documentation. This one saves you and your patients time as they don’t have to visit your offices before they get their vital medication.

Practice EHR

Can it Cope With All Your Data?

You know you work with diverse data from various sources; All vital to your patients’ care. Your Pulmonology ehr software must be able to deal with large amounts of data, easily add test results to patient files and integrate with data sources such as:

  • Other professionals’ EHRs
  • CT machines
  • X-ray machines
  • Bronchoscopes
  • PET equipment


We’ll say it again: The benefits only really surface when you invest in a niche-specific, customizable EHR product. Otherwise, you’ll waste time and energy you already have too little of, right?

If you have any additional questions, leave a comment below. As a healthcare community, we can help each other make the best possible decisions.