Sleep Medicine EHR Software

We have recommendations for a wide range of software to increase productivity!

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Popular Sleep Medicine EHR Software



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NextGen EHR Software

NextGen EHR Software

751 Reviews

AdvancedMD EHR

AdvancedMD EHR

308 Reviews

Practice Fusion EHR Software

Practice Fusion EHR Software

287 Reviews



273 Reviews

eClinicalWorks EMR

eClinicalWorks EMR

259 Reviews

Epic Software

Epic Software

215 Reviews

DrChrono EHR Software

DrChrono EHR Software

206 Reviews


Kareo EMR

195 Reviews

InSync EHR

InSync EHR

179 Reviews

Cerner Ambulatory EHR

Cerner EMR

141 Reviews

Azalea Health EHR Software

Azalea Health EHR Software

123 Reviews

PrognoCIS EMR Software

PrognoCIS EMR Software

104 Reviews

Amazing Charts EMR Software

Amazing Charts EMR Software

94 Reviews

Clinicient Insight EMR

Clinicient Insight EMR

86 Reviews

Meditech EHR Software

Meditech EHR Software

79 Reviews

ChartLogic EHR Software

ChartLogic EHR Software

77 Reviews

ModMed EMR

ModMed EMR

74 Reviews

Greenway Health Intergy EHR Software

Greenway Health Intergy EHR Software

72 Reviews



57 Reviews

Netsmart EHR

Netsmart EHR

56 Reviews


Centricity EMR

56 Reviews

GE Healthcare EHR Software

GE Healthcare EHR Software

52 Reviews

MediLinks EMR Software

MediLinks EMR Software

52 Reviews

Meditab Software

Meditab Software

51 Reviews

CompuGroup Medical (CGM) EMR Software

CompuGroup Medical (CGM) EMR Software

50 Reviews

Sleep Medicine EHR Software Buyers Guide

So, you’re ready to make your sleep medicine practice relevant to the 21st century: EHR software will gain you the respect of the public and help you align with the requirements of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. But take care—don’t pick the first vendor that submits an apparent reasonable quote. You could pay the high price, not only in costs but with the time you’ll waste trying to implement it.

EHRs work, but they only give you real return on investment when they’re appropriate for your niche. In managing a sleep medicine practice your niche is as unique as they come.

We’ll help you pick the best products the first time, thanks to the tips below.

Confirm the Quality of the Product

Firstly you need to ask vendors about the basics of the product. This foundation determines how much satisfaction (of frustration) you’ll get on a day to day basis.

Product Quality

When it comes to software, security features should always be at the top of the priority list. Talk to the service provider about protection against hackers so you can be sure your data won’t be taken ransom.

Customer service will also determine the quality of the product as you may need assistance from technicians. Ask if they’re available 24/7 to ensure minimal downtime.

An important feature modern EHRs should have is to contain all relevant ICD-10 codes. As EHR software should ideally help you with billing and insurance payments, you need this feature to ensure accurate claims. Good news: This will improve this revenue stream.

It goes without saying that it needs to be HIPAA compliant.

User-Friendly Design

It must be easy to use and quick to get used to the new product. If it’s an intuitive design the transition period will be short. You may want to ask your partners or office staff to review the dashboard layouts too so you know it suits everyone.

EHRs help practices improve accuracy but also time management IF it contains the necessary features:

  • Least number of clicks to get to relevant menus or information
  • Less typing thanks to menus with relevant tick boxes
  • Easy record keeping with automated features instead of writing, scanning documents or manually adding information to patient files

We suggest you pick a product that allows customization. It should be scalable to suit the size of your practice and if you can change templates to fit with your preferences & habits you’ll save a lot of time on charting.


Setup and Logistics

Do you want to keep the data on site or would you consider a cloud based system? The latter makes the data easily accessible from almost any device which is a benefit if you work at various venues. Cloud systems can also be more secure.

In all these aspects it’s wise to read reviews about the company so you know what to expect from the supplier.

A quality foundation still needs unique features, relevant to your niche, such as the following.

Confirm the Relevancy of the Software

Timeline Management

Your medical assistance rarely leads to instant solutions to problems. Testing for the reasons for abnormal conditions such as sleep apnea or narcolepsy can take time. Your EHR must contain templates that make it easy to track the process, including:

  • Tests
  • Treatment
  • Outcomes

You’re bound to have many return patients—something not relevant to all healthcare niches—so your EHR must make it easy to have a holistic view of the patient’s history during every visit.

This feature also affects the other reason EHRs are so highly valued: Improved patient care. If you’re up to date on a patient’s case thanks to a comprehensive report that’s available you have more time during a consultation. You’ll be informed and have more focus instead of trying to remember details or looking for your notes on the case.

Helping Patients Understand

Part of your patients’ progression will be determined by what they do once they’re home. Lifestyle changes or self monitoring may be necessary. But they need guidance to get it right.

Quality EHRs contain niche specific information or allow you to upload your own information which you can share with your patients:

  • Opening the documents during a consultation. Explaining with graphs and images on hand can help them better understand.
  • Emailing leaflets to patients.

Patient Portals

If you want to interact with patients you need a dynamic infrastructure that will support it. High end EHRs contain patient portals. Through this you can send information about their conditions, but also simplify these tasks:

  • Updating personal details
  • Sending accounts
  • Completing documents online
  • Messaging between healthcare provider and patient

This creates an accurate record of everything that relates to the patient. You also cut down on the time you or your staff members spend on manually transferring information to a database.

Make Prescriptions More Practical

Prescribing medicine forms a central part of your treatments. Wouldn’t it be best to cut down on the time you spend on this?

E-prescription modules make it easy—and more secure—to send prescriptions to pharmacies. You also won’t forget to write out a repeat prescription ever again because your EHR can remind you of these tasks. This means less time spent on the phone with patients reminding you.

Make Your Days Easier

The goal of EHR is to help health care agents function more effectively. If your software gives you niche specific templates and SOAP note layouts you’ll record patient & consultation information in a fraction of the time you’re spending on it now.

Ready to change?


Picking the right EHR for your niche is what gets you one step ahead of the competition in the healthcare industry; But also steps ahead of overwhelming workloads and capable of better time management.

Will you invest some time in picking the right product to ensure long term success?