Pain Management EMR Software

We have recommendations for a wide range of software to increase productivity!

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Popular Pain Management EMR Software



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NextGen EHR Software

NextGen EHR Software

751 Reviews

AdvancedMD EHR

AdvancedMD EHR

308 Reviews



300 Reviews

Practice Fusion EHR Software

Practice Fusion EHR Software

287 Reviews



273 Reviews

eClinicalWorks EMR

eClinicalWorks EMR

259 Reviews

Epic Software

Epic Software

215 Reviews

DrChrono EHR Software

DrChrono EHR Software

206 Reviews


Kareo EMR

195 Reviews

Office Ally Practice Mate

Office Ally Practice Mate

191 Reviews

InSync EHR

InSync EHR

179 Reviews

Cerner Ambulatory EHR

Cerner EMR

141 Reviews

Nextech EMR

Nextech EMR

141 Reviews

Praxis EMR Software

Praxis EMR Software

136 Reviews

Azalea Health EHR Software

Azalea Health EHR Software

123 Reviews

PrognoCIS EMR Software

PrognoCIS EMR Software

104 Reviews

Amazing Charts EMR Software

Amazing Charts EMR Software

94 Reviews

Clinicient Insight EMR

Clinicient Insight EMR

86 Reviews

Meditech EHR Software

Meditech EHR Software

79 Reviews

ChartLogic EHR Software

ChartLogic EHR Software

77 Reviews

ModMed EMR

ModMed EMR

74 Reviews

Aprima EHR

Aprima EHR

73 Reviews

Greenway Health Intergy EHR Software

Greenway Health Intergy EHR Software

72 Reviews



57 Reviews

Netsmart EHR

Netsmart EHR

56 Reviews

Pain Management EMR Software Buyers Guide

When you work in a very unique niche, you’ll be forgiven for thinking you have to settle for products that other medical practitioners use. After all, who would go to the trouble of designing tech especially for you?

Luckily your pain management practice in the 21st century and software developers are geared for anything. They go to a lot of effort to meet society’s as well as professionals’ business needs as best as possible. That means you too.

Currently there aren’t many pain management emr software practices specifically, but some of the EHR features that have evolved are quite remarkable. They can enhance your workflow, efficacy and the service you provide your patients.

Your challenge is to find the products that will really work among the many on today’s market.

We put together a quick reference guide so you can see what there is to look forward to. We also tell you how to vet these programs so you pick the best one from the lot.

Vet the Basics First

Start off by discussing general features with sales representatives. This will tell you if you’re looking at a quality product or not.


Here we’re talking about the software itself, but also the team you’ll have as backup. Unless you have expert IT personnel on staff, you’ll need assistance from the service provider if something goes wrong.

Read reviews about the company’s customer service so you know if you can count on the brand and its product. Your new software and its supplier should make life easier, not more difficult.


You need a user-friendly solution, otherwise, your new software will take months to implement. Talk about layouts, shortcuts and intuitiveness so you & your staff know what to expect.

Once again, reading a few reviews about whether others find it a practical solution is a wise option.

Also, make sure the product easily integrates with other aspects of your practice such as machines or software you already own.

Lastly, a billing feature helps streamline your office workflow and if ICD 10 codes relevant to your field are already loaded, it’s a winner. Advanced software can automate the claiming process which benefits your bottom line, but also improves accuracy.

Kareo EHR


Any program that stores information online has risks. If your patients’ personal details—even their bank details—will be hosted off site on your vendor’s servers, make sure there is adequate firewalls, encryption and virus protection. You don’t want your information held ransom.

One last tip: Make sure that if you ever stop your contract with this vendor that the data will still belong to you; And that there’s an easy way to export it for future use.

Pick the Features that Matter

Now it’s time to find an EHR program that’s relevant to the pain management niche. Here’s how more advanced features can help you.

Integration is Essential

More often than not you’re working with other physicians on a patient’s case. Ideally your software must integrate with theirs so referrals and documentation from them can easily become part of your patient files. High end software can even interpret information on scanned documents so the data can be added to your database.

You can also benefit from an EHR that can receive, interpret and store results from laboratories, machines, diagnostic tests, radiology centers and more. The fewer manual tasks you and your staff deal with the more you can focus on patients.

Use Templates to Save Time

Access to templates is a main selling point for modern EHR products; You’ll find them in most products but it’s vital you find the one most appropriate for you.

For pain management you need templates with menus, workflows and shortcuts to scenarios you’ll often come across such as:

  • Peripheral nerve blocks
  • Joint injections
  • Back pain thoracic region
  • Spinal cord stimulation

You can imagine how templates designed around these themes will give you everything you need for quick charting during a consultation.

Exchange Diagrams for Sketches

Perhaps you’ve made paper based notes up to now? Knowing where your patients experience their pain each time you speak to them is essential to your functioning.

High end EHRs provide you with diagrams that you can use for making notes. Document exactly where your patient is feeling uncomfortable by using anatomical diagrams already incorporated into the pain management EMR.


Practical Prescriptions

Writing prescriptions is part of the foundation of your service to your patients. As this takes up a lot of your time it’s vital you find modern ways of simplifying this.

High end EHRs have relevant tools such as:

  • Connecting directly to pharmacies so you can send prescriptions electronically. This minimizes the chance of fraud and you waste less time writing them out
  • For repeat prescriptions, limit the number of phone calls from patients asking about the next set of paperwork. A pain management EHR can remind you when a repeat script is due and you can do it in time. This minimizes anxiety on your patients’ side, while limiting the time you and your staff spend talking on the phone
  • Advanced paint management EHRs can help you monitor the dosages you prescribe. After comparing each script with patient information and industry guidelines you’ll get a notification when your prescription seems out of the ordinary or could have dire side effects. The ability of software to analyze vast amounts of information to help you stay accurate in your work is what makes these products so valuable

Covering the Entire Process

You’ll be working with patients before and after procedures. Does the EHR allow you to easily document pre and post operative details?

Final Words

What makes it worth it to invest in a program that’s a little more pricey than standard EHR software? The fact that you’ll be able to help more patients faster.

You’re making a long term investment benefiting your practice and them.